Ï The best etrap of the country was presented with the award of the President of Turkmenistan

The best etrap of the country was presented with the award of the President of Turkmenistan

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Today, Akhal velayat hosted an awarding ceremony – a cash prize of 1 million US dollars to Ak bugday etrap, which has become winner of the competition for the best etrap of the country.

Deputies of the Mejlis, members of velayat and etrap Khalk Maslakhaty, heads of the National Centre of Trade Unions and the Main Board of the Union of Women, velayat and etrap khyakimliks, a number of enterprises, representatives of public organisations, workers of culture and art, mass-media and honoured elders took part in solemnities.

Results of the competition for the best etrap of the country were announced at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers devoted to the outcomes of social and economic development of Turkmenistan for 2023, which took place on February 9. Having familiarised with the submitted data, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on announcement of Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat winner of the competition and its awarding with the cash prize.

In the congratulatory message of the head of the state to the population of Ak bugday etrap of Akhal velayat, it is underlined that on the threshold of international actions on the occasion of declaration of the city of Anev a cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 by member states of the International Organisation of Turkic culture (TURKSOY), achievements of Ak bugday etrap in standards of living of population, development of economy and culture display an assiduous work of our compatriots for augmentation of the authority of our fatherland.

“In the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, new great goals are set before us to transform our country into a rapidly developing state, based on innovations, achievements of science and technology, industrial potential as well as improvement of living conditions and increase of employment of population. We all should work with love for the country assiduously and honesty for successful fulfilment of target goals. I am firmly convinced that workers of Ak bugday etrap will take an active part in work on achievement of these high goals and will make big labour victories in all areas, successfully implementing adopted programs”, - the President of Turkmenistan noted in his message.

According to the conditions of the annually competition, in summing up results, indicators in such areas as realisation of the National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for transformation of social conditions of population of villages, settlements, cities, etraps and etrap centres, fulfilment of contractual obligations for wheat and cotton production, construction of social and cultural projects were considered. Besides it, solution of social issues, including employment, organisation of cultural leisure and encouragement of population into physical training and sports was considered.

As was marked by speakers, thanks to cardinal reforms carried out in our state goals of complex development of regions, diversifications and expansion of export possibilities of economy, introduction of advanced technologies, including digital technologies in all spheres, rise of output of various industrial and agricultural produces, maintenance of food abundance in our fatherland are successfully carried out.

During the ceremony on behalf of all residents of the etrap, they expressed sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for his indefatigable care of increase of well-being of people and huge attention given to social and economic development of the country and formation of modern infrastructure in velayats.

Literally, before our eyes, all corners of the Turkmen land change. Ak bugday etrap, which is one of the large agrarian centres of Akhal velayat, can serve a vivid example for it. In this region since ancient times our glorious ancestors have cultivated food wheat – ak bugday, barley, various kinds of vegetables and gourds and fruit trees.

Workers of Ak bugday etrap, who are famous for agricultural traditions and diligence, actively develop gardening and animal industries, raise productivity of agricultural crops and production volumes of their output.

Private structures also play a key part in the economy of the etrap. So, representatives of business community construct hothouse economies, in which various vegetables are grown as well as cattle-breeding complexes where a rich assortment of foodstuff is made. Thus, the population of the given region is fully provided with its own food products.

According to priorities of the policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, solution of issues of development of agriculture - one of the key sectors of national economy - is directly interconnected with issues of creation of optimum favourable conditions for life and fruitful work of daykhans.

Available possibilities for transformation of agriculture into a highly profitable branch of economy are effectively used and activity on perfection of legislative basis in the given area is carried out.

Thus, the state gives workers of the branch a full support, including in the investments aimed at technical re-equipment and modernisation of industrial infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex. Farm associations, tenants and other manufacturers are provided with all necessary for work, including machinery, fertilizers, and seeds.

The state gives easy-term loans on acquisition of modern tractors, combines, dredges, bulldozers and other equipment from leading world companies that positively impact increase of fertility of soil, yield of good harvest and as consequence -strengthening of capacities of individual profile enterprises.

Construction of social, energy and industrial projects in the region as well as the building of “Türkmeniň ak öýi” and the sanatorium "Bagabat" and others testify to successful realisation of the Program of Social and Economic Development of the country and the National Rural Program.

Speakers of the event, congratulating residents of the etrap with their deserved victory in the competition, pointed out that the award given to the etrap will inspire them into new labour achievements.

The gathered adopted a letter of thanks to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed to the head of the state their huge gratitude for appreciation of their contribution to dynamical social and economic development of our fatherland, and assured that they will work self-denyingly for prosperity of our native land and augmentation of its power and glory.

The festive atmosphere penetrated by the spirit of national culture and century-old traditions, was added by the exhibition where achievements of agriculture, products of arts and crafts, work of Turkmen artists-painters and sculptors were displayed. One could also familiarise oneself with peculiarities of preparation of national dishes and enjoy sports events. In a word, a big Turkmen toy was organized there with all traditions and fun inherent in it.

Performance of bagshy-musicians, literary-musical compositions by actors of theatre and creative groups of the country added bright colours. Inspired melodies and songs devoted to large-scale undertakings of Hero-Arkadag and President Serdar Berdimuhamedov as well as our beloved fatherland, which confidently meets the year “The fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi” and goes ahead on the path of progress and prosperity, sounded.