Ï Training was held on developing positive interactions between children and parents

Training was held on developing positive interactions between children and parents

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Training was held on developing positive interactions between children and parents

From the 13th to 17th of May, a training on early intervention in child care was held in Turkmenistan. The training course was conducted by the UN Children's Fund office in Turkmenistan together with the St. Petersburg Institute of Early Intervention. The Institute offers unique educational programs for specialists in early intervention and early childhood development, from basic training to specialized knowledge in the field of pedagogy, speech therapy, and psychology.

The training familiarized national specialists with the skills and knowledge required in early intervention in child care, including the provision of inclusive services.

Early care for children and their families is a set of services provided on an interdisciplinary basis to children and their families, aimed at promoting the physical and mental development of children, the formation of positive interactions and relationships between children and parents, the inclusion of children among their peers and their integration into society, and also to improve the competence of parents.