Ï Turkmen and Russian universities conducted a course of lectures on information security for students

Turkmen and Russian universities conducted a course of lectures on information security for students

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Turkmen and Russian universities conducted a course of lectures on information security for students

Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan and Siberian State University of Science and technologies named after academician M.F. Reshetnev jointly organized a course of online lectures for students on the topic "Information Security".

Educational lecture on the topic “Support for decision making in basis of modeling" was conducted for students by an associate professor of the department information management systems of a Russian university, senior Researcher at the Institute's Applied Informatics Department computational mathematics and mathematical geophysics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences Anna Vladimirovna Korobko.

With an interesting lecture on the basics of cryptography, Associate Professor of the Department of Security spoke during the event information technologies of the Siberian State University,

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Oleg Nikolaevich Zhdanov. Listeners of online classes showed particular interest to questions related to fundamental challenges in the IT industry in the context of new forms of information protection that are formed under the influence of new convergent technologies. In active discussion of various aspects of the topics discussed not only students, but also university teachers were involved, who took part in organizing and holding the meeting at high level.

As the participants emphasized, conducting these lectures and practicing there will be many similar joint events in the future contribute to improving the quality of the educational process in universities, and will also serve the effective development and further strengthening multifaceted bilateral cooperation in field of science and education.