Ï Science is an important direction on the path of transformation

Science is an important direction on the path of transformation

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Science is an important direction on the path of transformation
Akhmet Ovezmukhammedov

Under this title, an exhibition opened at the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan in honor of Science Day. The exhibition consists of two sections. The first is dedicated to history and archaeological sciences.


It features photographs of archaeological excavations in the territory of the ancient city of Altyn Depe, the settlements of Gara Depe, Yylgynly Depe, Yalangach Depe and other historical monuments in Turkmenistan. The photographs are accompanied by archaeological artifacts discovered during various excavations, including ceramic and metal utensils, ostraca with Aramaic script, architectural fragments, and wall slabs that attract attention with their distinctive and fanciful execution. Of interest are pages from the field diary of the famous archaeologist A.M. Mandelstam, who conducted research on Bronze Age mounds in Turkmenistan in 1960, as well as the diaries of the equally famous archaeologist V.M. Masson, who studied monuments located west of Gyzylarbat in 1952.

The second section of the exhibition is dedicated to paleontology, geology and other natural sciences. It features documentary photographs, microscopes and binoculars, and various laboratory equipment. There is a collection of minerals from Turkmenistan: limestone, marble onyx, chalcedony, celestine, quartz geodes, gypsum, and other minerals. Paleontological finds include fossilized remains of ancient animals and plants, such as ammonites and sea urchins that lived in seas and oceans during the Mesozoic era; bivalve mollusks 65 million years old; petrified wood from the Permian period found by geologists in Tuarkyr; and imprints of fern leaves on bentonite.

A significant part of the exhibition is dedicated to portraits of Turkmen scientists who made a huge contribution to the development of Turkmen science. Popular science literature is presented on special shelves.

The exhibition was opened with welcoming speech by Meretgeldi Charyev, the director of the State Museum of Turkmenistan. Then, guests were invited to speak, including Sapargeldi Durdyev, head of the department at the National Institute of Education of Turkmenistan and Doctor of Biological Sciences; Saparmyrat Annamuhammedov, head of the department at the S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University and Candidate of Biological Sciences; Ogulgerek Bayramdurdyeva, senior lecturer at the Ya. Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas and Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences; Ejebay Kokanova, leading researcher at the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna of Turkmenistan and Candidate of Biological Sciences; and Durnabat Ashyrova, editor of the "Ahal durmushy" newspaper. The interesting speeches by the guests were met with applause from the exhibition visitors.