Ï In the Balkan velayat, work is underway to preserve and process the grain of the new harvest

In the Balkan velayat, work is underway to preserve and process the grain of the new harvest

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In the Balkan velayat, work is underway to preserve and process the grain of the new harvest

These days, coordinated work is underway at the mill complex of the village of Sark of the Gyzylarbat etrap of the «Balkangallaonumleri» production association to preserve and process grain of the new harvest.

The modern enterprise is capable of producing up to 50,000 tons of flour per year and grinding 200 tons of grain. The company has six warehouses for grain storage, the volume of each of them is more than eight thousand tons. The presence of a production workshop, a power plant, a water treatment plant, a grain loading workshop, storage facilities, a sanitary service building, water pipes, and electrical wiring ensures uninterrupted operation.

Thanks to the well-organized activities of the enterprise, various types of high-quality food and livestock products are produced.

Today, a close-knit team of workers and specialists of the enterprise works especially productively to provide the population with high-quality products.