Ï Thorough care of cotton is the key to a plentiful harvest

Thorough care of cotton is the key to a plentiful harvest

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Thorough care of cotton is the key to a plentiful harvest

This agricultural year, farmers of Lebap velayat plan to sow 130,000 hectares of land with cotton and obtain a rich cotton harvest. The attractive cotton fields of the velayat demonstrate the organized care of crops and that work is being carried out in accordance with agricultural technology requirements.

Timely irrigation of this important technical crop plays a special role in the normal growth of cotton and the formation of an abundant harvest. It is worth noting that water intake operations in the velayat's cotton fields are arranged according to agricultural traditions, with regular cleaning of ditches and inter-farm fields carried out using powerful machinery.

Currently, 5-row cleaning work is being conducted in cotton fields through the effective use of high-performance equipment, modern agricultural tools and trailers. Mechanics from the "Lebapobahyzmat" production association and the "Obahyzmat" industrial enterprise are distinguishing themselves with their dedicated work.