Ï 2 thousand 540 families of Ashgabat residents received keys of new apartments simultaneously

2 thousand 540 families of Ashgabat residents received keys of new apartments simultaneously

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2 thousand 540 families of Ashgabat residents received keys of new apartments simultaneously
Today a series of opening of social objects took place in Ashgabat. Among them are 68 four-storey apartment houses in Koshi in the western part of the capital.

Here sixty houses were built by local individual enterprises and economic societies to the order of the organisation «Birleshme Gurlushuk» of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan. Eight more were constructed to the order of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

Residential buildings of three types include 2, 3 and 4-room apartments. In total they are designated for 2 thousand 540 families of Ashgabat residents. Today in solemn conditions keys from comfortable apartments were handed to new settlers. Authorities of the capital administration, elders of the city, public figures and also actors who prepared their festive programs for this day, came to congratulate them on the joyful event.

During the opening ceremony the awarding of builders who distinguished themselves in construction of a complex of these houses, also took place. On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan them were handed costly presents for diligence in work.

Contractors not only prepared new houses for settling but also took care of an accomplishment of their adjoining territory where are colourful children's playgrounds for outdoor games, cosy arbours for rest, trees and ornamental shrubs grow in lawns and premises for mass actions and wedding celebrations.