Ï The III International Biology Olympiad will be held at the M.Garryev State Medical University of Turkmenistan

The III International Biology Olympiad will be held at the M.Garryev State Medical University of Turkmenistan

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The III International Biology Olympiad will be held at the M.Garryev State Medical University of Turkmenistan

On November 20, the III International Internet Olympiad in Biology will be held at the Marat Garryev State Medical University of Turkmenistan. Registration of participants continues until November 10. Students of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan and foreign countries wishing to participate in the Olympiad must apply for participation on the website of the medical university. Students who have passed registration, the login and password for participation will be sent to the email address specified by them the day before the Olympics.

The tasks of the Olympiad are prepared in different sections of biology in the form of tests and tasks, which participants will be given 150 minutes to complete. Additional information can be obtained on the website of the Turkmen University, as well as by phone: +993-12-48-99-32; +993-63-58-51-11 and e-mail: tdlu.iolimp@gmail.com. The Olympiad is held in order to train young specialists capable of analyzing modern scientific and practical tasks, mutually beneficial exchange of scientific and practical information, experience in the field of science and technology, as well as strengthening friendly relations between professors, teachers and students of universities in Turkmenistan and abroad.

The tasks of the Olympiad include identifying talented participants, generating interest among young people in the study of natural sciences, solving theoretical issues using modern technologies, as well as career guidance for students and creating positive conditions for their intellectual development.