Eid al Adha, connecting people by the relations of friendship and unity, is widely and happily celebrated in Turkmenistan. The holiday that is filled with the ideas of goodness and good intentions has entered every family.
The main square of Anau with improvised Turkmen village with decorated tents and swings is the centre of the celebrations in Ahal Velayat. Horse riders sat with a proud on ahalteke horse, handcraft women demonstrated their skills, men made fires under large cauldrons. Honoured elders together with the youth cooked dograma and the smell of tasty pilav spread everywhere. There were big celebration concert of the artists of Cultural Department of the velayat cities and etraps.
Various sports competitions took places. It was very crowded around the chess board. The youngsters played football, volleyball; participants of “yaglyga tovusmak” tournament tried their deftness and Gyoresh wrestlers in strength.
National dishes like chekdirme, chorba, pilav for treatment of the guests were traditionally cooked near white national tents in Balkan velayat. The menu, which dishes were cooked by the best chefs, confectioners and bakers, was very substantial symbolizing the prosperity and abundance in the country.
Special animation reigned around tall swings decorated by alaja and air balloons. The performance of culture and arts masters, bakshys amd modern popular singers, members of folklore and ethnic groups of the velayat also rose large interest of the participants.
The participants of celebration had an opportunity to participate in such national games like “yaglyga tovusmak, Gyoresh wrestling, duzzum and win valuable prices.
Indispensable attribute of Eid Al Adha, the swings, flew high in the sky with boys and girls.
Decorated square in front of Local History Museum was the main place of events in the first day of all-national holiday. Professional and amateur artists pleased the visitors with bright song and musical performances.
Celebration events also took place in the amphitheatre located in parking zone in the south-west of administration centre of the northern region. Young men and women rode the swings. This is an indispensable attribute and good sign of ancient holiday. Toasted bread, puffy gatlama, dainty Turkmen dishes, sweets and fruits were the adornment of the tables.
Turkmenabat was the centre of celebrations in Lebap Velayat. White yurts (tents) set in the “Char Bag” parking complex indicated on adherence of the nation to its origin. The swings fly high in September sky just like hundreds years ago. Leading soloists and art bands of the Velayat performed large concert programme on decorated stage.
The sportsmen show was also demonstrated. Special interest was brought up by the wrestling matches, which has their origin far in the past and usually held during national holidays.
Large exhibitions of the gifts of generous Lebap land were expanded in the Char Dag parking complex. Professional chefs cooked celebration national dishes in large cauldrons.
The next day, celebration events moved to the main line of the city on Amudarya river, Bitarap Turkmenistan Street. Big concert was held there at the fountain complex.
National celebrations also take place in renewed Bitaraplyk park.
The events dedicated to Eid Al Adha were organized in all etraps and cities of the eastern region of the country.
The main celebration events in Mary Velayat were organized near giant yurt Türkmeniň ak öýi. Hundreds of people came to take part in the event. Cultural personnel prepared the concert with participation of popular singers, song and dance and folklore groups what gave special colours to the holiday.
Celebration events dedicated to Eid Al Adha were held in all settlements of the Velayat having demonstrated the unity of the nation and its adherence to spiritual values.
The main square of Anau with improvised Turkmen village with decorated tents and swings is the centre of the celebrations in Ahal Velayat. Horse riders sat with a proud on ahalteke horse, handcraft women demonstrated their skills, men made fires under large cauldrons. Honoured elders together with the youth cooked dograma and the smell of tasty pilav spread everywhere. There were big celebration concert of the artists of Cultural Department of the velayat cities and etraps.
Various sports competitions took places. It was very crowded around the chess board. The youngsters played football, volleyball; participants of “yaglyga tovusmak” tournament tried their deftness and Gyoresh wrestlers in strength.
National dishes like chekdirme, chorba, pilav for treatment of the guests were traditionally cooked near white national tents in Balkan velayat. The menu, which dishes were cooked by the best chefs, confectioners and bakers, was very substantial symbolizing the prosperity and abundance in the country.
Special animation reigned around tall swings decorated by alaja and air balloons. The performance of culture and arts masters, bakshys amd modern popular singers, members of folklore and ethnic groups of the velayat also rose large interest of the participants.
The participants of celebration had an opportunity to participate in such national games like “yaglyga tovusmak, Gyoresh wrestling, duzzum and win valuable prices.
Indispensable attribute of Eid Al Adha, the swings, flew high in the sky with boys and girls.
Decorated square in front of Local History Museum was the main place of events in the first day of all-national holiday. Professional and amateur artists pleased the visitors with bright song and musical performances.
Celebration events also took place in the amphitheatre located in parking zone in the south-west of administration centre of the northern region. Young men and women rode the swings. This is an indispensable attribute and good sign of ancient holiday. Toasted bread, puffy gatlama, dainty Turkmen dishes, sweets and fruits were the adornment of the tables.
Turkmenabat was the centre of celebrations in Lebap Velayat. White yurts (tents) set in the “Char Bag” parking complex indicated on adherence of the nation to its origin. The swings fly high in September sky just like hundreds years ago. Leading soloists and art bands of the Velayat performed large concert programme on decorated stage.
The sportsmen show was also demonstrated. Special interest was brought up by the wrestling matches, which has their origin far in the past and usually held during national holidays.
Large exhibitions of the gifts of generous Lebap land were expanded in the Char Dag parking complex. Professional chefs cooked celebration national dishes in large cauldrons.
The next day, celebration events moved to the main line of the city on Amudarya river, Bitarap Turkmenistan Street. Big concert was held there at the fountain complex.
National celebrations also take place in renewed Bitaraplyk park.
The events dedicated to Eid Al Adha were organized in all etraps and cities of the eastern region of the country.
The main celebration events in Mary Velayat were organized near giant yurt Türkmeniň ak öýi. Hundreds of people came to take part in the event. Cultural personnel prepared the concert with participation of popular singers, song and dance and folklore groups what gave special colours to the holiday.
Celebration events dedicated to Eid Al Adha were held in all settlements of the Velayat having demonstrated the unity of the nation and its adherence to spiritual values.