The specialists of the construction and installation department of the association "Türkmengazüpjünçilik" of the Dashoguz velayat started the new working year in a good mood.
Last year, sixty kilometers of new gas pipelines of various pressures were built with their efforts. The largest new construction was the medium-pressure gas pipeline laid to the village of Ak Altyn in the Gokyayla gengeshlik of the Boldumsaz etrap. Its length exceeded two kilometers.
Like most of the facilities being built by the department as part of the implementation of the National Transformation Program, the new building is intended for gasification of the built-up area in rural areas. Among other facilities being built are gas pipelines of varying lengths in the territory of Shavat, Akdepe and Gorogly etraps.
Such work allows gas workers to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to consumers, high reliability of the gas infrastructure and its efficient use.
Today Dashoguz velayat has a developed network of gas communications, which allows to fully satisfy the local population's need for an environmentally friendly form of natural fuel. Their number is annually extended with dozens of new objects for various purposes, which contributes to the consistent development of infrastructure in accordance with modern requirements.
Here, the necessary work is also carried out in a timely manner to maintain specialized equipment at the proper level, and to ensure the efficient and safe operation of existing communications.