Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan invites teachers of Turkmen and foreign universities to take part in an international educational and methodological seminar on the topic "Language is the most important means of friendly relations."
The seminar is held in order to establish an exchange of experience in the application of modern teaching methods. The event will be held in a hybrid format in Turkmen, English, Russian and German. languages on February 28 at 14:00 (Ashgabat time). A joint discussion of the importance of learning foreign languages and the use of active and innovative teaching methods is planned within the framework of the international educational and methodological seminar.
Teachers interested in participating must send the registration form and presentation materials to the organizing committee by e-mail by February 15. . A sample of the questionnaire is posted on the website of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
Teachers will receive notifications about registration, as well as information on the topics of their reports, by e-mail addresses by February 23.
Additional information is available on the Institute's website, by e-mail to the organizing committee, and by phone: +993 61201906.
The seminar is aimed at improving the quality of education and intensifying cooperation with foreign universities in this area, improving the methods of teaching foreign languages in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions of Turkmenistan, including in organizational, methodological, innovative, pedagogical and educational aspects.
The implementation of new teaching methods and techniques developed as a result of international cooperation and the development of professional skills are also among the priorities of the upcoming seminar teachers of foreign languages for their effective use.