The collection of abstracts published following the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative methods and technologies of teaching foreign languages" held in Ashgabat is presented on the platform of the Russian scientific library eLibrary.RU and included in the RSCI database (Russian Science Citation Index) with the assignment of the International Standard Book Number ISBN.
Scientific electronic library eLibrary.RU is the largest Russian information and analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 38 million scientific publications and patents.
Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) – a bibliographic database of scientific citations hosted on the platform eLIBRARY.RU (RSCI) database serves not only as a tool for evaluating scientists or scientific organizations based on the citation index, but also as an authoritative source of bibliographic information on scientific periodicals.
Posting the collection of abstracts of the conference reports in eLibrary.RU and its inclusion in the RSCI confirmed our country's commitment to the course of innovative development of science and education, aimed at introducing advanced teaching methods and technologies, studying the best world practices and expanding international cooperation in this field. At the same time, this significant event gave a new impetus to further work on improving the educational process conducting scientific research to achieve further effective results and pedagogical success.
The International Scientific and Practical Conference was held at the Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages from December 5 to December 6, 2024. The event, organized at a high level, brought together leading teachers, professors, experts and specialists in the field of linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages from Turkmenistan and more than 30 countries around the world.
The conference made it possible to demonstrate the accumulated experience in the implementation of advanced practices and modern learning technologies in Turkmenistan, the results of international cooperation in the field of digital education and foreign language teaching based on innovation. In addition, this forum marked the successful implementation of the "Concept of Improving Foreign Language teaching in Russia." Turkmenistan".