Ï The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat

The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat

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The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The White Yurt (house) Building is opened in Ahal Velayat
The opening ceremony of «Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi» facility was held in Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal Velayat with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The road from Ashgabat to the place of event was lined up with yurts where scenes of rural life were played and everything spoke of the coming celebration. Celebration atmosphere was highlighted by national music, numerous people were greeting the Head of the State and other participants of the ceremony.

Turkmen village, welcoming and hospitable, has been built with all attributes of traditional life style next to «Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi». Cauldrons with cooking food has been steaming next to decorated yurts. There were camels led by the cameleer, animal enclosures, neatly stacked wood for fire beside. Everything was ready to start national celebration in the best traditions. There were traditional sweets and treats on the trays and traditional bread in the bags for the guests of this improvised settlement.

Vivid picture was supplemented with sport competitions based on national games – Gyoresh wrestlers were pitting their strength against each other, young men were contesting in traditional amusement yaglyga tovusmak – who can jump higher to grab hanging headscarf. Big celebration seesaw was installed on the square in front of new building and lawns with bright green grass were spread around. Hundreds of people with flags and flowers were greeting the Leader of the Nation.

There were aksakals, women of venerable age and young representatives of all velayats of the country, famous political scientists among them. Members of the Government, Leaders of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies, ministries, departments and mass media, heads of diplomatic missions accredited to our country and Turkmen ambassadors overseas, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat, numerous residents of Ahal and Turkmen capital have gathered there. Everything is ready for coming opening ceremony and yovar – planting of greens, the celebration event for turning Turkmenistan into blossoming garden.

It is remarkable that complex of new constructions on the ground for Novruz celebration has been built by private company. This is «Täze jaý» business entity, the member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan. Today, the Union is entrusted with number of government and departmental orders for construction of social, industrial and infrastructural facilities.

Level of professionalism growing every year among Turkmen construction business allows it not only coping successfully with huge work volumes in domestic market but also entering foreign markets developing the export of construction services. New facility that is put into operation is another remarkable project for the entrepreneurs, which are seen by the Head of the State as string transforming power that is able to bring the economy of country to leading positions in the world.

Helicopter of the President of Turkmenistan has landed at the pad near new facility «Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi».

At the gangway, girls in national dress presented flowers to the Head of the State.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov accompanied by Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, leaders of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies, hrads of velayats and Ashgabat administrations went toward the building of «Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi» where artists were singing and dancing.

The Head of the State made a speech for the participants.

We widely and brightly celebrate Novruz Bayramy – the Spring Holiday, here, in the foothills of the Kopetdag every year. The origins of National celebration go far to the centuries. This is one of the most ancient of many nations including Turkmen one. And that is why, back in 2009, the UNESCO included Novruz to the List of Non-material Cultural Heritage of humanity and in 2010, the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly announced March 21 as International Novruz Day, the President noted.

Novruz is a precursor of peace, harmony, good-neighborliness, friendship and brotherhood, mutual understanding. We will always observe Novruz on the state level exactly in this place, the Head of the State highlighted.

Our people think that to build a house and make one’s won hearth is an evidence of prosperity and sufficiency. New building on Novruz meadow will be original symbol of success and prosperity. In the future, we will be making decisions important for people and the country in this building and will be organizing public events next to it.

Neutral Turkmenistan in one of dynamically developing countries of the world, the Head of the State continued. Our sovereign states, which neutral legal status was approved twice by the UN General Assembly, has successfully integrated into the number of economically developed states. We are proud of it by right.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that our neutral policy would be reflected in the basis of the events that are to be held in Ak Bugday Building on Novruz Meadow as its content includes such good traditions and friendship, solidarity, peace-loving and goodwill.

This building will host regular session of the Council of the Elders of Turkmenistan on October 9 – 10. Taking advices for respected aksakals is one of the ancient Turkmen traditions.

Regular session of the Council of the Elders will be an example of high level of political culture inherited from our ancestors. Strong families rely on the authority of the Elders; these are the elders who unite and consolidate the people. It became good tradition to consult with the elders in state administration and social relation improvement matters, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Having reminded that the results of «Türkmeniň Altyn asyry» contest would be announced and award ceremony of the winners would take place in the Mukams Palace in the afternoon, the Head of the State congratulated all nominees and wished them strong health, happy and prosperous life and new successes.

After, under loud applauses of the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov together with the elders and women of venerable age cuts symbolical ribbon opening new facility. The Head of the State proposed the representative of elder generation to be the first to enter the building.

Having entered the building, Turkmen leader familiarized himself with its interior provision.

This social and cultural facility is designed for 3000 people. Actually, this is a big concert hall, the podium for conducting of public of nation-wide and international celebrations and performances, which is built in the shape of huge yurta.

White yurta symbolize the adherence to the roots, origins and spiritual values of the nation. Certainly, it is not used as a dwelling anymore, however, having gone beyond the limits of this role, it became the embodiment of the respect of traditions, family foundations, holiness of home hearth and unity.

In Turkmen mentality, «Ak öý» represents an original model of the universe, which base is a circle – the symbol of the Sun what also is an allegory of eternity of being, reasonable and spiritual principalities. It has special consonance with Novruz – the celebration of vernal equinox, friendship and fraternity between the nations.

It is worth mentioning that the opening ceremony of «Türkmeniň ak öýi» was held in administration centre of Mary Velayat in November 2015, where under the status of the Cultural Capital of Turk World 2015 delegated to the city of Mary, the concert of art masters of Turk countries has taken place. Another important fact is that during grandiose celebration in this excellent facility, four thousand people have sung patriotic song by Turkmen Leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Go! Go, my beloved Turkmenistan!” all together. This was registered as a world record and put in the Guinness Records Book.

The project of «Ak öýi» itself has harmonic combination of architectural construction with surrounding environment. The building has all conditions for organization of not just cultural actions but official events and business forums.

Amenities of the premises and design of new facility is distinguished by originality and bright national colour. Technical provision of the building is the most modern. Top modern equipment, acoustic systems and other necessary things for conduct of large forums and bright performances has been installed there.

The stage can be used as a concert ground or as a circus arena for equestrian performances, which are the part of any large events in Turkmenistan.

Famous equestrian group Galkynysh, which recently was blazing in the Olympic stadium at the opening ceremony of Ashgabat 2017 Games, is an indispensable participant of such performances. Such equestrian shows invariably bring a mass of emotions of the spectators. It also made tremendous and indelible impression on the guests and participants of V Asian Games.

Speaking of the popularity of horse races in Turkmenistan as well as of fancy horse riding on circus arena, it is impossible to miss the debut of our sportsmen in international show jumping competitions that were crowned by the gold medal of 2017 Asian Games.

White yurta and its hearth were the part of torch lighting ceremony of V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, which was delivered to the Olympic stadium of the capital on September 17.

The Games are the history today, however, its flame continue burning in millions of hearts filling them with warm memories and impressions. This light embodies the light road of hopes and ideas of harmony, friendship and fraternity, solidarity, peace and prosperity of human being.

Having left the building of «Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi», President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number of assignments to the heads of regional administrations. As is known, the buildings similar to the one in Mary and Ashgabat are under construction in other velayats of the country. Addressing the hyakims, the Head of the State highlighted that white yurta is a symbol of original historical and cultural heritage and protection of the traditions.

After, Turkmen leader went to the building for public events. Having cut symbolical ribbon, the Head of the State familiarized himself with interior provision of the facility. Sadaka (food donation ceremony) is to be given in few days there during the session of the Council of the Elders. Having visited the building for public events, which is a part of «Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi» complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the officials have ensured that everything is ready for such important political and social event as the session of the Council of the Elders to be productive and at the same time look like large nation-wide celebration.

The builders of project planners have stipulated all necessary capabilities determining the conduct of high-level events in this building. This is another evidence of comprehensive and integrated approach to organization of human environment and vital activity of the society.