The library is a unique place. You enter it as if it were a sanctuary, because the library is a temple of spiritual and historical memory. Library staff, serving visitors of all ages who seek to get into the mysterious world of knowledge, are guides into this ocean of treasures.
In order to find the necessary literature, discuss it with the reader, they must improve their professional level, be familiar with the library's book collection. And here the technology of the new era comes to the rescue - the electronic system.
The introduction of advanced scientific achievements allows us to reduce physical and mental the workload of employees. In this regard, it should be noted that the library system is also keeping up with the time. This not only makes the work of library employees easier, but also saves readers' time, and opens up wide opportunities for access to the necessary literature. Nowadays, electronic libraries and electronic books are becoming more and more popular.
As in other libraries of our country, in the Lebap velayat library, where modern technologies have been introduced and all conditions for serving readers are available, effective and consistent work is being carried out to convert books into electronic format. Electronic copies of works of our Hero Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar are created here, which are in great demand among reading lovers, as well as works of poets and prose writers. In addition, the velayat library continues to work to improve the quality of service to visitors, search for new methods of attracting readers, implement an electronic catalog and an electronic library system.
Currently, the region's libraries contain a total of 1 million 378 thousand 962 books, and effective work is underway to place them in a single electronic library system. In the first two months of the current year, 109 books were transferred to electronic format , as a result of which the number of publications uploaded to the electronic catalog reached 11 thousand 752.
A modern library is not only a storage facility for books, but also a center of public life, reflecting the spirit of the time. The region's libraries regularly host literary and thematic evenings, meetings with creative figures, as well as seminars dedicated to new technologies in the field of librarianship, including "Electronic Libraries - the Golden Gate to the World of Science", "Libraries - an Ocean of Knowledge", "Modern Methods of Attracting Readers to Libraries".
It should be noted that the number of users of the electronic library is steadily growing and has currently reached 1,689 people. Library workers of the Lebap velayat express gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag, as well as the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, for their constant attention to the development of science and education, including the library system, and for the conditions created for the effective work of librarians.