Ï Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association

Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association

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Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association
Ashgabat hosted the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association

Today, the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association was held in the capital under the chairmanship of President of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, Honored Elder of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Representatives of the Turkmen Diasporas from a number of states, the ethnic Turkmens from abroad working in our country, as well as delegates from all regions of the Homeland took part in the forum, traditionally timed to coincide with the national holiday, the Independence Day of Turkmenistan.

The present Conference, organized in the metropolitan “Mekan” Palace, is a clear confirmation of Turkmenistan’s close relations with our compatriots living in different countries of the world, as well as their active participation in large-scale events held in the homeland of their ancestors.

A large-scale exhibition was organized in a foyer of the “Mekan” Palace on the significant occasion.

The Arkadag, who highly values the art of speaking and national art, talked with bakhshi musicians, whose performances are an adornment of all national celebrations.

The assembled welcomed Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, President of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov standing, with thunderous applause.

The hero-Arkadag went up the stage and announced the 23rd WTHA Conference open.

The playing of the National Anthem of Turkmenistan marked the beginning of the ceremonial part of the Conference.

The participants listened to the Welcoming Address sent by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to them with deep attention and great enthusiasm.

Then the agenda of the Conference was unanimously approved, including a report on the work done and a discussion of the prospects for further activities of the WTHA at a new stage in development of the state. The floor was given to Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, President of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association, Honored Elder of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Referring to the history of establishing the WTHA in the same year when the sacred independence was gained, the Hero Arkadag reminded that this organization was founded on May 18, 1991. It was on this day that our Turkmen brothers living in 10 countries of the world first gathered together at a single hearth in their historical homeland, Turkmenistan, which was a striking illustration of the realization of the aspirations of great thinker Magtymguly Pyragy, who said:

“One table is laid for the celebration,

the Homeland has a happy lot.

That year the Turkmen capital hosted the First Conference of the World Turkmens, and the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association was established, during which organizational issues were considered and the WTHA Charter was adopted with the unanimous support of all participants.

“In my books “Spiritual World of the Turkmens” and “The Meaning of My Life”, I said that the most valuable for the Turkmen people are the primordial principles founded by our ancestors. Love for these wise principles allowed us to stand our ground in respect to the fundamental values and preserve the integrity of the nation”, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Today we see that in whatever country, cultural or political space of the world the Turkmens are, they have retained their identity as the main value. This means that the feeling of national pride has never lost its original depth and meaning.

The Arkadag cited the idea that “to love yourself does not mean to hate someone else”, drawing from it the conclusion that a self-respecting nation can respect others, which is also obvious from the fact that the Turkmens built great empires in the past and knew how to live in harmony with other peoples. “The ability to put their national values above all, and on the other hand, openness and goodwill in relation to other peoples brought the Turkmens to the level of world nations”, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Revealing the meaning given to the concept of “world nations”, the WTHA President pointed out that they include a nation that has demonstrated its ability to live in a common human family, maintaining cultural, spiritual and material ties with other nations throughout its history.

“Such a nation can make its unique contribution to the history of world civilization. This is exactly what the Turkmen nation is like,” the Arkadag concluded.

Focusing on the activities of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association, the, Arkadag emphasized that its main goal is to promote the unity of the Turkmen brothers, who have been living in different countries of the world for thousands of years for various reasons, as well as to assist them in establishing economic, cultural and humanitarian ties with their historical Homeland, and popularizing our national culture, art and traditions.

Turkmen holidays, significant occasions and events related to the international initiatives of Turkmenistan are widely celebrated in the foreign branches of the WTHA. Members of these branches maintain close ties with our Homeland, and popularize in their places of residence the great transformations ongoing in independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan, as well as our national culture and traditions. Having studied the glorious path of their ancestors, they disseminate this information among representatives of different countries of the world and are proud that they are descendants of the great Turkmen people. Today we can say with confidence that the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association has become one of the most reputable organizations in the world, the Arkadag declared.

Speaking about the foreign policy of modern Turkmenistan, the WTHA President reminded that diplomatic relations have been established with 149 states around the world in recent years. Our country is a member of about 50 authoritative international organizations and a party to 161 international conventions and treaties.

According to the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, “we are open to all states and peoples of the world. We are constantly developing relations with all countries in trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian, scientific and educational areas on the basis of mutual benefit, mutual respect and understanding”.

Further, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh dwelled in detail upon the modern achievements of Turkmenistan, its ever-increasing international prestige. As was highlighted, every day in our country marks great labor successes. The main principle “State for people!”, put forward by us, created favorable conditions for a happy and prosperous life of our people, for rapid and stable development of the national economy and the country’s industrial performance.

Over the years of independence, many representatives of the Turkmens of the world were conferred on the title “People’s Honored Elder”, received state awards, became winners of the competition of the President of Turkmenistan “Türkmeniň Altyn asyry”, awarded the signs of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association “Ynsanperwerligiň sarpasy”, which indicates that we highly appreciate their achievements, treat them as citizens of our country, and always take care of them.

Referring to the current WTHA conference agenda, the Hero Arkadag noted that the challenges facing the Association would be discussed during the meeting, and issues of its future activities would be considered.

Then the WTHA President announced the decision to approve a new model of the sign “Ynsanperwerligiň sarpasy”, as well as its prepared design.

To the applause of the meeting participants, WTHA President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on the Approval of a New Model of the Sign of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association “Ynsanperwerligiň sarpasy”, noting that people deserving this high honor will be awarded today.

The Turkmen state provides both financial assistance and spiritual support to the Afghan people, WTHA President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, reminding that expeditions including scientists, literary and art workers, organized by the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association, visited Afghanistan several times, gave special cultural performances, presented children, pupils of orphanages, with gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

We recently launched another charitable action. By order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, an international competition has been announced for the design and construction of a complex of buildings for a general education school named after Magtymguly with 540 seats in the Ergesh Sultanov Farmers’ Association in Dusti District of the Khatlon Region of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Arkadag said.

Referring to the objectives set at the new stage of development of independent Turkmenistan titled “The Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State”, the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh, WTHA President emphasized that the basic of these are maintaining peace and security of the Homeland, promoting high socio-economic development, further enhancing the people’s wellbeing, the strengthening of peace and mutual trust throughout the world, and the establishment of friendly and fraternal relations with all nations.

Reminding that the 300th day of the birth of great thinker of the East, Turkmen classic poet Magtymguly Pyragy will be celebrated in 2024 on the international scale, the WTHA President said that a special organizing commission had been set up and an action plan was developed to organize such an important event.

Today, the world admires the wisdom and richness of the literary heritage of the Turkmen thinker and studies it thoroughly. The works of Magtymguly Pyragy have been translated into many languages of the world. Monuments to the Turkmen thinker have been set in more than 30 countries of the world. Streets are named after Magtymguly in tens of large cities. Speaking of this, the Arkadag stressed that it is necessary to further expand the activities to popularize the great heritage of the Turkmen poet and thinker, and expressed firm confidence that all members of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association, as well as our Turkmen brothers living abroad, will make their ponderable contribution to this important matter.

“We must work with love for our Homeland, without losing enthusiasm in addressing the important issues facing us with regard to popularizing in the world the great transformations ongoing in Turkmenistan”.

Once again cordially congratulating the audience on the 31st anniversary of sacred independence and the start of the 23rd Conference of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association, which takes place on the eve of this great holiday, the Hero Arkadag wished everyone sound health, long years of life, success in work, family wellbeing and peace on the whole Earth.

The poetic lines cited by the Arkadag in the “Mekan” Palace sounded like a hymn to the native land:

“Peace - the banner of the heart,

The universe - a melody of kindness,

Turkmenistan - the celebration of spring,

Turkmenistan - the land of friendship,

Forward, forward, only forward, our native land, Turkmenistan!”

Following the Arkadag, the meeting participants together and inspiringly repeated every line of his poetic appeal.

The speech of the Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, President of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association, Honored Elder of the country was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the participants and guests of the forum and was repeatedly interrupted by thunderous applause.

During the Conference, representatives from the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan reported on the activities of the WTHA foreign branches. They, as well as the editor-in-chief of the “Türkmen dünýäsi” newspaper took the opportunity to express their deep gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the Hero Arkadag for the attention and true care for compatriots living abroad, and the opportunities created for cooperation in this area in the global information space.

Among the examples of successful implementation by Turkmenistan of the policy of peace, good neighborliness and humanism, the delegates specified the assistance and support in the socio-economic revival of Afghanistan, in particular, electrification and gasification of its districts, construction of schools, healthcare facilities, and a mosque for 500 people, personnel training, etc.

The Conference delegates were also informed on the implementation progress of major projects aimed at bringing our country to a level of developed industrial powers.

As the speakers emphasized, all the positive international initiatives put forward by the President of Turkmenistan and the progressive policy being pursued by him contribute to strengthening and further development of friendly relations with states and peoples, aimed at universal peace, prosperity and sustainable development.

Information was delivered on holding events that promote the popularization of Turkmen culture and its prominent figures. In this regard, the continuous interest of the Turkmens of the world in the work of great poet and thinker Magtymguly, in whose honor various events are held in foreign branches of the WTHA, was pointed out.

The feelings that overwhelmed the foreign participants in the forum were also expressed in poetic dedications to the Homeland, the President of Turkmenistan and the Hero Arkadag.

As part of the forum, in accordance with the Decree of the WTHA President, a ceremony was held to award members of the Organization, including representatives of the Turkmen diasporas, with an revised sign “Ynsanperwerligiň sarpasy”, which was another example of the honoring at the state level of citizens of foreign states and our country for their services in improving the performance of the World Turkmens’ Humanitarian Association.

At the end of the Conference, an Address of Appreciation to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov was adopted, in which the head of Turkmen state was congratulated on the 31st anniversary of the country’s independence, and deep gratitude was expressed for carrying out tireless work to enhance the economic strength and international prestige of the state, as well as for promoting the spiritual revival of the nation and paying great attention to activities of the Turkmen diasporas abroad.

Creative teams of the capital prepared their congratulations for the forum participants. National songs and melodies glorifying the ancient and eternally young Turkmen land, hardworking and talented people sounded joyfully and impressively in the “Mekan” Palace.

* * *

Our compatriots from abroad will take part in the festive events on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan.