Ï Association «Turkmenfilm» presents a cartoon dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the neutrality of Turkmenistan

Association «Turkmenfilm» presents a cartoon dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the neutrality of Turkmenistan

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Association «Turkmenfilm» presents a cartoon dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the neutrality of Turkmenistan

In honour of the International Day of Neutrality and the 27th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, the Oguz Han «Turkmenfilm» Association has prepared a new 3D cartoon for children.

The animated film is a continuation of Mammetjan's adventures and is intended for children over 4 years old. According to the story, Mammetjan finds a lost ball, and trying to find the owner of the ball, he finds himself in various situations ... And what? You will see for yourself.

- The cartoon will be a wonderful gift for children on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the neutrality of Turkmenistan. I hope they like it, - shares the director of the animated film Rovshen Velmiyev.

 The cartoon can already be viewed on the Internet on the website of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography. And it will be broadcast on national television on the eve of the holiday.