Ï The new performance of the Dashoguz theater will tell about the worshipping mother

The new performance of the Dashoguz theater will tell about the worshipping mother

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The new performance of the Dashoguz theater will tell about the worshipping mother

At the State Music and Drama Theater named after Nurmuhammet Andalyp, Dashoguz Velayat, they started creating a new performance. This time director-producer Guvanch Baimedov turned to the work of the Turkmen writer Magtymguly Myshshiev, deciding to stage the socio-philosophical drama "Mother" on the stage of the theater.

The plot is based on the complex relationship between a mother and her two sons.

Children always remain children for their parents, even when they grow up and change beyond recognition. But parents, as soon as they grow old, sometimes become an unbearable burden for their adult children. This happened in the life of the heroine of the play Akgozel eje. Having raised two sons, the mother ceased to occupy a place in their lives. Having married, the guys started their family lives and rarely visited their aged sick parent. A sad and at the same time touching story leads to a dramatic ending.

“The image of a mother is an eternal theme in art,” says production director Guvanch Baimedov. – The mother who gave us life, as they say among the Turkmens, Mukaddes - a holy woman. She cannot be offended or reproached for something. It is important to show her respect, obedience and respect. This is embedded in the traditions of our people. But sometimes it happens that children forget about their duty to their parents. In this sense, the dramaturgy of the work of Magtymguly Myshshiev touches me very much, and I think that the new production of our theater will resonate with the audience.

While the actors are working on their roles, analyzing the images of the characters in the play, the director is considering original stage solutions. Wanting to present the performance as a philosophical reflection on the fate of the characters, Guvanch Baimedov, together with the stage designer Chingiz Toraev, develops phantasmagoric scenery. According to the director, the foundation of the theater is drama, so the main task of the entire creative team is to convey to the public the spiritual message of the work. It is expected that the new production will be presented in March for International Women's Day.