Ï Quiet feat of women of the 41st

Quiet feat of women of the 41st

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Quiet feat of women of the 41st
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The long-awaited premiere of the performance "Women of the 41st" was held at the State Russian Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin with a full house. This spectacle was dedicated to Victory Day. The performance "Women of the 41st" was based on the play "Arbaly Khatynnary" by Tatar playwright Zaki Zainullin.

This spectacle began behind the scenes with the words "The most serious troubles and sorrows fell on the shoulders of young, beautiful, hardworking women since the beginning of the war. They had already lived with their husbands and experienced the joy of motherhood...". This story is about how six women performed a quiet feat for the sake of their loved ones.

The director of this performance was Bakhtiyar Abayev. Remarkable that Bakhtiyar was the author of a dramatization of this work into Turkmen language for the National Drama Theater named after Alp Arslan several years ago. Now he repeated this task in translation into Russian. And we must pay tribute, he did not repeat himself twice as a dramatist. The translation of " Women of the 41st " got a different sound.

– I gave the actors an opportunity to improvise and they got into their characters immediately " says Bakhtiyar. – I am very satisfied with the work of the artist Maksat Amangylyjov. The performance turned out to be so bright thanks to him.

The production of Bakhtiyar Abayev had a success. Although no other result was expected from him. The story of six Tatar women goes deep into people’s souls. And it becomes clear why the creators of the performance decided to name this work "Women of the 41st". The feat of six Tatar women represents all women who were affected by the war.

More than 20 actors were involved in the production, and each of them played his role with full dedication. Therefore, the excited audience applauded with tears in their eyes and pride in their hearts to all the creators of this anti-war performance.