Ï Musical events in honour of the significant date

Musical events in honour of the significant date

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Musical events in honour of the significant date

The concert of workers of culture and art, which took place today in the capital “Mejlisler merkezi”, became one of the brightest events in honour of Day of the Constitution and National Flag of Turkmenistan.

This holiday personifies a celebration of primordial traditions of Turkmens going back from time immemorial – peace making, friendliness and humanism, firmness of basis of democratic lawful state, indestructible unity of society and openness of our country to cooperation for the sake of universal progress.

The Constitution of independent neutral Turkmenistan – a reliable guarantor of freedom, well-being and prosperity of our people, stability and consent on the native land over which the green Banner - a symbol of the wonderful present and bright future of the Native land flutters with pride.

Thanks to successful realisation of the national foreign policy doctrine of the fatherland, the National flag is widely known all over the world. It with proud flutters on flag staffs of authoritative international organisations, marking adherence of Turkmen people to high humanistic ideals, its invariable aspiration to good neighbourhood and fruitful cooperation.

“Today, we successfully realise strategic programs aimed at accelerated development of the country, formation of optimum model of economic development and modernisation of its branches, improvement of system of social protection, employment and maintenance of peace, safe and happy life of population”, - as it is marked in the message of the head of the state to the people on the occasion of the holiday.

The best professional singers, musicians, dancing, and folklore groups devoted their performances to successes and achievements of Turkmen people and prosperity of our fatherland.

The solemn concert was opened with literary and musical piece “PARLA, ÝAŞYL TUGUM!” performed by the chorus of Turkmen national conservatory named after Maya Kulieva and actors of the Main Academic Drama Theatre named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi the Great in glory of one of the main symbols of the nation - the green Banner inspiring our people into new great achievements. Having united the art of poetry, song and music, actors set the tone to the festive event.

The composition “Arkadagly Serdarymyz jebisdiris daşyňyzda!”, devoted to today of the country inseparably linked with the policy of progressive transformations of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the great future of independent neutral fatherland, was performed by the folklore group "Dokmaçylar".

The celebration was replenished with performances of children's dancing groups that is rather indicative for by right it is possible to name modern Turkmenistan the country of happy childhood, where the care of the younger generation was brought up to the priority of the state policy. The program performed with national colour, sincerity of children's creativity, became an embodiment of happy life of our people.

The visual choreographic images of stage plays replacing each other were excellently created by the state dance group, “Galkynyş”, “Näzli”, “Laçyn”, “Meňli”, “Miras”, “Serpaý”, “Aşgabat” and other groups.

Replacing each other, popular national and variety art masters and famous musicians also displayed their great skill. Numerous spectators jointly applauded original compositions with inspiration performed by best music groups of the country.

Folklore and choreographic group “Miras” performed the ancient dance kushtdepdi, which is an integral component of the cultural heritage Turkmens and has received a new uplift, to mark a culmination of today’s event.

The powerful finale of the concert the song “ÖŇE, ÖŇE DIŇE ÖŇE, JAN WATANYM TÜRKMENISTAN!” was performed by all participants of the festive event, which with all distinctness reflected a great pride of people of the happy Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State aimed at the bright future.

Today in honour of Day of the Constitution and National Flag of Turkmenistan in all cities and villages of our country festive events were held and musical-song compositions glorifying our independent native land sounded in them.