Ï The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Romania ended

The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Romania ended

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The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Romania ended

On the 25th of May, the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Romania ended in the city of Constanta on the Black Sea coast.

The creative forum, which was held with great success in Bucharest and Constanta, attracted great attention from a large audience, becoming a celebration of friendship, creativity and inspiration. The current action, organized in accordance with intergovernmental agreements, has introduced a qualitatively new content to the steadily developing Turkmen-Romanian relations, demonstrating the desire of the parties for mutual enrichment and rapprochement of the cultures of the two peoples.

As the participants of the current event, who gathered at the «Jean Constantin» Multifunctional Educational Centre for Youth, noted, the language of culture, art is the language of diplomacy, in which peoples can freely communicate, despite the geographical distances between countries. Events of this format strengthen friendship and mutual understanding. Thanks to the established creative ties, a unique opportunity is created to get acquainted with the national culture and traditions of the peoples of the world. In this regard, according to the unanimous opinion of those present, including representatives of different ages, including young people, the Days of Culture of our country in Romania are a symbol of a new round of humanitarian interstate dialogue.

Music, expressive dances, talent and inspiration of their performers are capable of spiritually bringing together people of different nations and nationalities. This was confirmed by the concert of Turkmen artists, which completed the program of the cultural forum. Popular folk musicians and performers, opera and pop singers, folklore and ethnographic dance group «Dokmachylar» presented their art to the guests of the creative holiday.

Turkmen songs glorifying the Motherland, love, friendship and brotherhood touched the hearts of the Romanian spectators who came that evening to meet with the art of our people. The bright palette of the national musical culture was complemented by the colorful costumes of the performers. The enthusiastic applause of the captivated audience did not stop for a long time when the «kushtdepdi» dance was performed on the stage.

The exhibits presented in one of the small halls of the «Jean Constantin» Centre from the funds of the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan eloquently told the Romanian friends about the rich cultural traditions of our people, its original original art and inexhaustible creative talents.

A special part of the exposition was the books of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, collections of poems by Magtymguly Pyragy, as well as a variety of popular science literature dedicated to the history, unique nature of our country, and its tourist attractiveness.

During the acquaintance with the exhibition, the participants of the event were able to see ancient national clothes, household items, original examples of decorative and applied arts, which are an integral and significant part of the spiritual and material culture of the Turkmen people, who made a huge contribution to the development of world civilization. Of great interest were musical instruments, astonishing in their diversity, the skillful work of Turkmen jewelleries.

The visitors of the Turkmen vernissage also got acquainted with the works of contemporary artists and a photo selection that clearly demonstrated the life of today's Turkmenistan, its unique historical monuments, nature, and architectural sights of white marble Ashgabat.

Film lovers were shown the film «Istärin», dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen classic poet, great philosopher Magtymguly Pyragy.

In conclusion, the participants of the event expressed sincere gratitude to the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Romania for the conditions created for organizing and holding the current action, for the opportunity to acquaint the general public of the friendly country with the richest Turkmen culture, to reveal its original world and unique flavour.

As part of the program of stay in Constanta, the delegation members held a creative meeting at the Yunus Emre Institute, where Turkmen scientists familiarized the audience with the ongoing work in Turkmenistan on the scientific study of Magtymguly Pyragy's work.

During the meeting, an interested exchange of views took place on the significance of the unique literary heritage of the great poet and thinker, whose merits are highly appreciated not only by our people, but by the entire enlightened world. As noted, his works are truly a precious pearl of the world treasury of knowledge. The works of the outstanding Turkmen poet still arouse genuine interest in many countries, as evidenced by the translations of the poet's poems into various languages of the world.

The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan gave many unforgettable impressions and allowed Romanian friends living not only in the capital, but also in Constanta to discover the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Turkmens. The creative action was not only a memorable creative event, but also another step towards spiritual rapprochement, deepening mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the two countries.