Ï Tandem of four artists gravitating towards modernist trends

Tandem of four artists gravitating towards modernist trends

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Tandem of four artists gravitating towards modernist trends
Alexey Gimalitdinov

The Exhibition Centre of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan hosted an exhibition of works by four artists called «Harmony of the Soul». The creative tandem of four artists was formed not by chance: they are friends with each other.

Rovshen Akynyyazov has no art education, but at one time he did not leave the workshop of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Yarly Bayramov for a long time and adopted from his teacher the ability to think in his own way, which allowed him to choose the creative direction of pop art in painting. Azat Taganov, studying the basics of composition at the art school with Nursahet Eyeberenov, joined the ecological vision of the world around him.

The well-known book illustrator Nursahet Eyeberenov has been friends with the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Sajan Akmuhammedov for many years, whose son Ovezmuhammet Akmuhammedov maintains creative and friendly relations with these artists.

But they are not only friends, they are united by an attraction to contemporary art. Rovshen Akynyyazov presented at the exhibition several compositions made in the style of cubism, which especially attract the attention of the audience. They successfully use the shape of the plane and the contrast of colors. Rovshen dismantled the national team yurt into individual parts, and a group of parts in several paintings began to play with abstractionism. Some of Rovshen Akynyyazov's works are reminiscent of design works. But in all the paintings presented, one can feel a delicate taste and a keen sense of colour.

Of the works presented by Azat Taganov, I would especially like to note the painting «Autumn Leaf Soaring on a Web». The picture stands out with a bright harmonious combination of rich colors. Azat pays great attention to colour development. An example of this is the painting «Landscape», in which the blue skies seem to have fallen to the ground, and a long train of yellow trees «according to autumn fashion» originates from a tree whose configuration resembles an ordinary leaf.

The exposition of Nursakhat Eyeberenov’s works highlights the painting «Ancient Plane Tree», which depicts a giant tree with an unprecedented cavity near the rhizome, which resembles a cave where you can hide from the heat and rain. Of the magnificent graphic works, the picture «Advice» is remembered for its expression.

Many of the paintings presented at the exhibition by Ovezmuhammet Akmuhammedov are made in the style of tachisme, which is characterized by repeated elements that help emphasize the main theme of the work. For example, the picture «Eyes». The painting «Good morning!», which depicts a clown, consisting mainly of yellow and blue details, belongs to the Art Nouveau movement.

The exhibition of works by four artists, which occupied the entire second floor of the center, was a good gift for Ashgabat lovers of contemporary art and their guests. By the way, among the guests who came to the opening of the exhibition was the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Turkmenistan Togan Oral.