Ï The Week of Culture-2023 has started in Ashgabat

The Week of Culture-2023 has started in Ashgabat

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The Week of Culture-2023 has started in Ashgabat
Meretdurdy Rozyev

The grand opening of the Week of Culture-2023 took place in the Turkmen capital today. A large-scale forum, initiated by Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and worthily continued by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, is held annually in honor of the Day of Culture and Art Workers.

Its purpose is to preserve, deeply study and widely promote the spiritual wealth of the Turkmen people, to encourage the professional growth of creative workers, to search for new talents and raise the cultural level of the population.

The holding of the Cultural Week-2023 in Ashgabat under the slogan "Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar" gives a special meaning to the current creative show. The festival of arts in the capital of independent neutral Turkmenistan is set to inspire our people even more for labor victories, achievement of high results in creativity and art.

The opening ceremony of Culture Week 2023 was held at the Palace of Mukams of the State Cultural Center, where numerous participants of the celebration, residents and guests of the capital gathered on that significant day.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of culture, heads and representatives of the Ministry of Culture and its subordinate organizations, institutes of the Academy of Sciences and creative universities of the country, the public and the media, cultural and art workers, students.

The welcoming Address of President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov was read out in a festive atmosphere. Having cordially congratulated the participants of the creative review on its opening, the head of state noted in his message that the era of rebirth of a new epoch of a powerful state is the era of perfection of national culture, art and literature. Achievements of artists, painters, musicians, writers and poets at the international competitions, held this year, are a clear indication that the Turkmen culture is developing at a global level.

-The Week of Culture, which is regularly held in the capital and regions of our country, is a unique celebration of Turkmen culture and art, - noted the head of state in his message.

Then a big concert was held on the stage of the Palace of Mukams, in which masters of art and popular creative collectives of our country performed. The content of the numbers was emphasized by their scenic design with extensive use of modern technical means, rich visual range, which made it possible to create plot mini-performances united by a common theme, called the flowering of national culture and art.