Ï Week of Culture 2023: Day Five

Week of Culture 2023: Day Five

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Week of Culture 2023: Day Five

The Turkmen capital continues to live in the dynamic rhythm of a large-scale cultural festival timed to coincide with the Day of Cultural and Art Workers, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi.

Sergide Magtymguly Pyragynyň ömür we döredijilik ýoluna bagyşlanan ylmy edebiýatlar, jemgyýetçilik neşirleri görkezildi. Onuň dürli dillere terjime edilen eserleri söz ussadyna çäksiz hormat goýulýandygyna, uly ähmiýeti bolan edebi mirasynyň tutuş dünýäde söýlüp okalýandygyna şaýatlyk edýär.

In the first half of the day, the guests were received by the State Library of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan, where a book exhibition was held. A place of honor here was given to the works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, dedicated to Independent Neutral Turkmenistan, the historical and cultural heritage of the nation. A variety of publishing products tells about the culture and art of the Turkmens.

The State Library also hosted a practical conference dedicated to the development of librarianship in Turkmenistan. The forum was attended by workers in the field of culture, representatives of the creative intelligentsia, museum and library specialists, poets and prose writers, teachers of universities and secondary special schools of the creative direction, and journalists.

The speakers emphasized that libraries should be more actively involved in innovation processes, meet the modern needs of readers, and contact them, including in a virtual environment.

A special topic of discussion among the conference participants was the innovative and design development of book depositories, the popularization of electronic publications, the possibility of long-term storage of electronic information, old documents and books. The priority tasks facing the branches of libraries to serve the rural population were also considered.

Then, a concert of popular artists and creative groups of the country was held at the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center, timed to coincide with the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as Magtymguly Fragi's Poetry.

People's artists, the state choir and the symphony orchestra of Turkmenistan, folklore groups presented their unique performing skills to the audience. Literary and musical compositions were replaced by modern musical works and choreographic performances.

In the concert, songs to the words of Magtymguly Fragi, lyrical vocal compositions about the great poet-thinker, places connected with his life and work appeared in a new reading. Colorful performances revealed the rich heritage of the Turkmen people, the versatility of creative talents.

According to the established tradition, at the end of the concert, the ancient dance “Kushtdepdi” was performed, included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as a colorful example of folk art, which harmoniously combines elements of the past and the creative energy of the present.

The musical program, reflecting the versatility of national art, was duly appreciated by the audience, who rewarded the participants of the festive action with friendly applause.

On the stage of the Student Theater of Turkmenistan named after Mollanepes, there were performances by artists of the humorous genre, who presented the audience with many funny jokes.

Each of the events organized within the framework of the Week of Culture is of great importance in the wide popularization of the successes of our country in the field of music, song, theatrical, cinematographic, fine and decorative arts.

The masters of the stage, aspiring artists, choreographic and folklore ensembles presented their creative gifts to the participants of the celebration. Folk and modern melodies, songs sounded everywhere, incendiary dances were performed glorifying the native land, the people, its ideological inspirer - Arkadagly Serdar, under whose leadership the people of Turkmenistan achieve new successes and victories in the name of the bright future of the Motherland.