Ï Days of culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Days of culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Days of culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Days of culture of Turkmenistan were marked in the Republic of Uzbekistan from the 29th to 31st of October. The cultural event gave an opportunity for cultural and spiritual rapprochement of two brotherly peoples and facilitated to bring interstate humanitarian relations to a qualitatively new level.

On the first day of the cultural action in Tashkent, in the building of the Union of writers of Uzbekistan, a creative meeting of Turkmen and Uzbek prosaic writers and poets was held. In the event, which was timed to the 300th birthday anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi , workers of culture, art and science, representatives of mass media and Turkmens living in Uzbekistan also took part.

The day before, members of the Turkmen delegation visited cultural sights of Tashkent. 

…those who spoke in the creative meeting underlined that Turkmen-Uzbek humanitarian links in the modern epoch are enriched with the new content. As was pointed out, today the relations between our countries are developed actively in various spheres. They are based on historical traditions of friendship and good neighbourhood.

A special significance is attached to expansion of cultural relations. Participants of the event underlined that in their strengthening a great role is played by literature, in particular, works by Magtymguly Fragi, which serve as a bridge of friendship between our peoples.

In this connection, it was stated that in 2024, the 300th birthday anniversary of the great thinker will be marked and the year was proclaimed as “Year of Magtymguly Fragi - the great poet and thinker of the Turkic world” by the international organization of Turkic states (TURKSOY). As was underlined, the decision encouraged peoples of both countries. In this regard, discussion of joint preparatory work for celebration of an important event at high level took place.

In the meeting, Turkmen workers of art performed songs on poems by Magtymguly Fragi, which were met by the friendly applause of the gathered.

On October 30, in the international congress centre in Tashkent, an opening ceremony of Days of culture of Turkmenistan and a solemn concert took place.

Heads and representatives of ministries and departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan, works of culture, art, science, education and mass media, citizens of the city and others took part in the event.

The exhibition devoted to the history and achievements of Turkmen people, its unique traditions and crafts, was organized in the foyer of the congress centre. It displayed national values reflecting development of culture of our people, its decorative, applied and fine arts. The exposition gave an opportunity to be familiarized with grandiose transformations in modern n Turkmenistan carried out under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and scope of all round development of the country in the new historical epoch.

Upon completion of the opening ceremony of the cultural event, a concert of workers of art and culture was held and a literary-musical composition “Türkmen halkyndan salam” devoted to brotherly relations between two peoples opened the action. Besides it, popular pieces of Turkmen musical art were performed there. Turkmen folk songs and dances were welcomed with loud applauds of spectators. Uzbek actors also took an active part in the concert.

The performance of the dance kushtdepdi, in which by choreography the creative spirit and power of Turkmen people are expressed, became a culmination of the festive event. At the end of the concert, the song “Dostluk aýdymy” was performed.

The same day, the state conservatory of Uzbekistan hosted the meeting of representatives of music academies of both countries. An exchange of views in the field of modern music culture, its versatile areas took place and necessity of intensification of relations in this sphere between professors and students was underlined. 

In the meeting, representatives of conservatories of two countries noted importance of cultural and humanitarian cooperation in harmonic development of Turkmen-Uzbek relations and expressed their gratitude for creation of wide opportunities for establishment of close relations between creative groups of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

On the final day of the cultural event - October 31, the delegation of Turkmenistan visited the madrasah «Gögeldaş», which is located in Bukhara, one of the old cities of Uzbekistan, where Magtymguly Fragi studied. Our compatriots were familiarized with the history and architecture of the madrasah and learned much of its graduates. Turkmen nationals also saw the room, where Magtymguly Fragi lived during his study.

In the second half of the day in Bukhara, an opening ceremony of the museum of Turkmen carpet and carpet making art took place. Various carpet products and carpets as well as tools of carpet weaving evoked a great interest in participants of the event.

The event served as a visual evidence of further development of national carpet weaving - an old art of our people and augmentation of the glory of fine Turkmen carpets in the whole world. During the event, which was held in the atmosphere of high spirit, workers of art and culture performed inspiring song and music compositions and expressed their gratitude for a high level of the present cultural event.

The same day, a closing ceremony of Days of culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Uzbekistan took pace with participation of workers of culture and art of both countries. 

The cultural forum once again confirmed a huge significance of culture, art, and literature in strengthening centuries-old brotherly links between our people and its aim for further development of multilateral interstate relations.

The performance of famous national musicians and bagshy, opera and variety signers, folklore-dance group of "Miras" made unforgettable impression on participants of the final festive concert.

Uzbek spectators warmly met Turkmen songs glorifying our native land, love, goodwill and friendship. The wealth, originality, colours of Turkmen national and modern art in harmony with principles of the new epoch found reflexion in continuity of traditions. All this speaks of acknowledgement of uniting and creative force of art.

Days of culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic Uzbekistan became one more step towards further strengthening of spiritual and cultural links between Turkmen and Uzbek people, mutual understanding and friendship between our countries.