Ï Vladimir Kadyrov - «Turkmenistanyň ussat diplomaty»

Vladimir Kadyrov - «Turkmenistanyň ussat diplomaty»

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Vladimir Kadyrov - «Turkmenistanyň ussat diplomaty»

Veteran diplomatic service Vladimir Akimovich Kadyrov, along with individual colleagues, was awarded this distinction on the Day of Diplomatic Workers of Turkmenistan, which was celebrated on the 18th of February this year.

Many years ago, Vladimir Kadyrov, who graduated from the Turkmen State University in 1972 and received the specialty of a lawyer, probably did not even imagine that after some time fate would throw him to Europe, and even as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of independent Turkmenistan. But that's what happened.

And before that, after studying at the university, like many of his peers at that time, V. Kadyrov served in the armed forces in units stationed near Tashkent. Returning to Ashgabat, he completely immersed himself in science, working as a researcher in the department of philosophy and law of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. It took a talented specialist a little time to receive a candidate of legal sciences degree. The scientific work was devoted to the current topic of the administrative-territorial structure of the country in the light of the new constitutional legislation.

In the early nineties, when the young independent state needed competent and promising lawyers, V. Kadyrov was first appointed rector of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Legal Personnel under the then Ministry of Justice, and then director of the Turkmen National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the President of Turkmenistan. He was elected for two terms as a deputy of the country's Mejlis, serving there as chairman of the Committee on Consolidated Legislation.

In the mid-2000s, he was sent to a responsible section of the diplomatic service in Europe as the head of the diplomatic mission to the OSCE and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. He worked there for seven years.

After entering his well-deserved retirement, Vladimir Akimovich leads an active lifestyle. Works as a legal consultant in a company providing services in the oil and gas sector. He regularly helps young diplomats with advice and consultations, and actively participates in the training of new personnel for the MFA of Turkmenistan.

V. Kadyrov was awarded many state awards, but considers the new one - «Türkmenistanyň ussat diplomaty» especially warm and honourable.

He devotes all his free time to raising his five grandchildren.