Ï Events begin to mark the proclamation of Anev as the cultural capital of the Turkic world

Events begin to mark the proclamation of Anev as the cultural capital of the Turkic world

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Events begin to mark the proclamation of Anev as the cultural capital of the Turkic world
Jepbarguly Garaev

Numerous foreign guests have begun to arrive in Turkmenistan - representatives of international organizations, figures of science, culture and art, journalists from well-known media, who will take part in a number of major events planned for the beginning of the week.

On the 26th of March, events will begin to mark the proclamation of the city of Anev as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. The opening ceremony of the broad program of the year is planned to be held in the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» building in the «Nowruz ýaýlasy» valley in the Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat.

As part of the ceremony, it is planned to organize a joint concert of vocalists, an exhibition of works by masters of fine and decorative arts, and works by photographers - representatives of the Turkic peoples. It is expected that the leaders of the international organization of Turkic culture, the Organization of Turkic States, the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States, the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation, the International Turkic Academy, relevant ministries of member countries and observers of TURKSOY, as well as creative and scientific people will arrive in Turkmenistan to participate in these events. delegations.

And on the 28th of March, as part of the celebrations marking the declaration of Anev as the cultural capital of the Turkic world and the 300th anniversary of the birth of the classical poet Magtymguly Fragi, a media forum «Turkmen land - the centre of ancient civilizations» will be held, in which representatives of the media of the TURKSOY member states and countries will take part partners of the State Committee of Turkmenistan on television, radio broadcasting and cinematography.

The forum will be held in 4 sections - «The unity of Turkic culture and its role in the media», «The Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi», «Digital Media and News» and «Films, Animations and Film Festivals».

Excursions to historical monuments and sights of Ashgabat and the city of Arkadag are organized for guests.

Participants of the media forum will be invited to take part in the international conference «Main directions and potential for tourism development in Turkmenistan», scheduled for the 27th to 28th of March. Leaders and representatives of specialized international organizations, as well as tour operators from around the world are invited to the event. Guests will get acquainted with unique historical and cultural monuments, museum collections and, in general, the tourism potential of Turkmenistan.

Within the framework of the upcoming conference, meetings of specialists, a scientific and practical forum and the signing of documents on cooperation between tourism structures are planned. The event is intended to become an important event in the implementation of the Program for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the tourism industry for 2024-2025, developed on behalf of the President of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The last week of March will also be marked by large-scale cultural events on the occasion of the third anniversary of the formation of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care named after Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which will be held in the city of Arkadag on the 29th of March.