Ï Talents of the Ashgabat First Children's Art School

Talents of the Ashgabat First Children's Art School

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Talents of the Ashgabat First Children's Art School

Turkmenistan pays special attention to creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the younger generation, revealing the talents and abilities of young people from a young age. One evidence of this is a musical event held at the 1st Children's Art School of the Ashgabat City Department of Culture called «Baýramlara beslenen bahar».

At the event dedicated to the spring holidays, melodious songs and lively musical compositions were performed by students of the department of folk and national musical instruments.

With the participation of young dutarists of the school, song and musical works of Turkmen composers «Küşt depdi», «Gopuzlyja gyzjagaz», «Ýazlarym bar», «Arzuwym», «Ýaşlyk aýdymy», «Ýaşa Türkmenistan» were performed. Young accordionists enthusiastically performed the melodies «Bahar tansy», «Dutaryň owazy». In general, the cultural and musical event held at the children's art school clearly showed that a new generation of talented musicians is growing in Turkmenistan.