Ï The results of the competition have been summed up

The results of the competition have been summed up

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The results of the competition have been summed up
Akhmet Ovezmukhammedov

The exhibition of children's drawings entitled "Birds – Adornment of Nature" continues until April 10 at the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan. The exhibition was organized by the museum in collaboration with the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan.

Visitors have the opportunity to not only explore children's artistic creations but also learn about scientific literature by prominent ornithologists of Turkmenistan and foreign countries, bird-related publications, as well as purchase souvenirs.

Galina Vlasenko, Senior researcher at the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Biological Sciences, tells in more detail:

-The exposition opened on April 1 on the International Bird Day (this year the holiday, which originated on the American continent, celebrates its 130th anniversary), was prepared by the Department of Nature and Local History of the museum, and is dedicated to the beautiful representatives of the natural world and the conservation of their biodiversity.

The event was enhanced by a thematic poetic composition prepared by students from School No. 143 of the capital city.

The creative competition was attended by 229 participants between the ages of six and 20 from art schools No. 2, 6, 7 of the Department of Culture of Ashgabat, the Byashim Nurali Art School, short-term educational courses in fine arts of the ES "Rodoguna", and other creative studios of the Turkmen capital.

The contestants used exhibits, artifacts of storerooms, images on art and carpet canvases, and jewelry to draw their artworks.

The participants were required to depict an object of avifauna using any technique and preferred style.

The artworks submitted for the competition include paintings, graphics, application using oil paints, watercolors, pastels, as well as simple and colored pencils.

The best works were selected by the jury members, composed of qualified artists of the museum.

The event organizers presented Honorary Diplomas and commemorative souvenir prizes to the winners.

The opening ceremony of the ornithological vernissage and the subsequent honoring of the contest winners were supported by representatives of the environmental and educational authorities of Turkmenistan, as well as the scientific and cultural community of the country.

During the event, Durdymyrat Atdayev, representative of the State Museum, head of the Department, spoke about the conservation activities related to avifauna in our country, as well as the museum's long-standing tradition of organizing exhibitions, events, scientific conferences, lectures and presentations, dedicated to global ecological dates, including International Bird Day.

He informed that the museum has a vast collection of scientific exhibits related to 120 bird species found in Turkmenistan (there are about 435 bird species within the country).

Jumamyrat Saparmyradov, a scientific researcher of the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, an ornithologist, candidate of biological sciences, shared information about new bird species discovered in the state reserves in recent years, the forthcoming publication of the Red Book of the country, rare bird species included in the edition.

Khoshgeldi Annageldiyev, the head of the Department of Culture and Mass Media of the Ashgabat City Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan, encouraged young animalists to embark on new creative endeavors that can be combined with caring for the beauty and wealth of their homeland.

Gulnar Charyyarova, an agitator-propagandist of the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan, presented the activities of public environmentalists, which serve as support and synergy to the state's environmental policy implemented by the President.

Among the guests was Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Eldar Rustamov.