Ï The Dashoguz Bagshy Museum celebrated the centenary of the popular destan performer A. Myradova

The Dashoguz Bagshy Museum celebrated the centenary of the popular destan performer A. Myradova

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The Dashoguz Bagshy Museum celebrated the centenary of the popular destan performer A. Myradova

On the 5th of April, a solemn event dedicated to the life and work of the folk bakhshi of Turkmenistan, Akjagul Myradova, was held at the Dashoguz Bagshy Museum. In the book of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Bagshy - the harbingers of national happiness», she is named one of the first female performers of destans.

Akjagul Myradova was born on the 13th of March, 1924 in the Koneurgench etrap of Dashoguz velayat. Deprived of parental love since childhood, Akjagul and her brothers were raised first with relatives and then in an orphanage. Her passion for music manifested itself at a young age and was developed in a musical group created by Magtymguly Garlyyev, consisting of boys and girls.

Having adopted the traditional art from her mentor, the popularly known destan storyteller and musician Magtymguly Garlyyev and other performers, Akjagul soon became a popular bagshy herself, skillfully performing songs from the destans «Hurlukga and Hemra«, «Shasenem and Garyp», «Sayatly-Hemra», «Bezirgen».

In recognition of Akjagul Myradova’s merits in the development of Turkmen national musical art, she was awarded the honourary titles «Honoured Bagshy of Turkmenistan» and «People’s Bagshy of Turkmenistan». She was also awarded the «Gayrat» and «For Love of the Fatherland» medals.

Akjagul Myradova continued not only the performing arts of her famous teachers, but also their traditions of mentoring, contributing to the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage from generation to generation. Today, this glorious path is worthily continued by her students - Honoured Artist of Turkmenistan Aybibi Atahanova, bagshy-storytellers of destans Bahar Agayeva, Gurbangul Amanova and Bahargul Galpakova.

At the event in honour of the centenary of the famous performer, stories were told about her life and creative path, national recognition of her talent, and her great contribution to the promotion of national musical culture, which was awarded high state awards.

The host of the musical celebration, at which popular bagshies performed works from the repertoire of Akjagul Myradova, was the director of the bagshy museum, Begench Haknazarov.

The final chord of the meeting was the song «The Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi» performed by the female bagshy ensemble «Şähribossan».