Ï Theatre poster of Ashgabat and the city of Arkadag

Theatre poster of Ashgabat and the city of Arkadag

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Theatre poster of Ashgabat and the city of Arkadag

As part of the «Baroque-Bagshy» project, pianist Joanna Gudal will give concerts in several cities of Turkmenistan. The project, organized by the French Institute, is a unique dialogue between the ancient French music of Jean-Philippe Rameau and the enchanting melodies of the Silk Road.

Joanna Gudal's tour will begin in Ashgabat, she will perform together with a youth chamber orchestra conducted by Rasul Glyjov and talented folk musicians. The audience will be treated to an unforgettable journey into the world of music, where eras and cultures unite in a unique symphony. To book tickets: 22-38-98, (+993 63) 46-71-77.


Main Academic Drama Theatre named after S. Turkmenbashy the Great:

10.04.2024. «Şadyýan wäşiler» 19:00;

12.04.2024. «Mejbury tebip bolan» 19:00;

13.04.2024. «Hindi rowaýaty» 19:00;

14.04.2024 . «Gelinler» 19:00.


 National Music and Drama Theatre named after Magtymguly:

10.04.2024. «Tahyr Ataýewiň ýolbaşçylygynda simfoniki konsert» 19:00;

11.04.2024. «Tahyr Ataýewiň ýolbaşçylygynda simfoniki konsert» 19:00;

12.04.2024. «Dünýäniň görki zenanlar» 19:00;

13.04.2024. «Körpe gelin» 19:00;

14.04.2024. «Pipeline Vocal Project» topary we Maýa Kulyýewa adyndaky TMK-nyň ýanyndaky D.Öwezow adyndaky Türkmen döwlet ýörite sazçylyk mekdebi bilen bilelikdäki konserti». 19:00.


 National Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan:

12.04.2024. «Sakarja geçi» 11:00;

12.04.2024. «Gyzyl alma» 19:00;

13.04.2024. «Gumly gelin» 19:00;

14.04.2024. «Garaşanym» 19:00.


 State Drama Theatre named after Aman Gulmammedov in the city of Arkadag:

13.04.2024. «Ýagyş ýagan gijesi» 19:00;

14.04.2024 . «Gumly gelin» 19:00.


Student Theatre named after Mollanepes:

13.04.2024. «Myhmanhanada» 19:00;

14.04.2024. «Çynymy aýtsam...» 19:00.


 State Russian Drama Theatre named after A.S. Pushkin:

12.04.2024 . « Fabulous man » 19:00;

13.04.2024. « One and two » 12:00;

13.04.2024. « Five evenings » 19:00;

14.04.2024 . « Cinderella » 11:00;

14.04.2024. «Cinderella» 13:00;

14.04.2024. « Deceit and love » 19:00.


 Turkmen State Puppet Theatre:

12.04.2024. «Böwenjik» 17:00

12.04.2024. «Gurjakgyz» 19:00

13.04.2024. «Bir towşanjyk bar ekeni...» 17:00; 

13.04.2024. «Aladdin» 19:00; 14.04.2024. «Towşanjygyň öýi» 12:00; 

14.04.2024. «Towşanjygyň öýi» 17:00; 

14.04.2024. «Jüýteniň toýy» 19:00.