Ï Schoolchildren and students attended film screenings of the film "Composer"

Schoolchildren and students attended film screenings of the film "Composer"

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Schoolchildren and students attended film screenings of the film "Composer"

These days, screenings of the new film "Composer" by the Turkmenfilm Association named after Oguzhan are taking place in the capital's cinema and concert centers.

Created with the direct support of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship, the film explores the theme of spiritual and moral values, which is especially important for the upbringing and development of the younger generation. Therefore, schoolchildren and students were among the first viewers of the film.

Peers of the screen characters watch with interest the development of the plot, which revolves around a creative family. And after the screening, they share their impressions and emotions from what they have seen.

Merdan Khudayberdiyev, main character of the film, goes a long way - from a student at a music school to an established composer, the successor of the musical dynasty. Inspired by the nature of his homeland, family traditions and the rich heritage of the Turkmen composer school, he creates new music and passes on his knowledge to his students.

Maksat Gylyjov, screenplay writer and director of the film, involved students of the Special Music School in Ashgabat under the TNC, students of the Shukur Bakhshi Children's Art School and students of the M. Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory in the shooting of the film.

The television premiere of the film, which took place on March 30, received numerous warm reviews from viewers. Now, the wide audience has a wonderful opportunity to see the film on the big screen.

The screenings of the film "Composer" will continue until April 14 at the capital's cinema centers "Ashgabat", "Vatan", "Turkmenistan", as well as at the etrap culture houses of the velayats.