Ï Turkmen horse is a standard of beauty

Turkmen horse is a standard of beauty

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Turkmen horse is a standard of beauty
Akhmet Ovezmukhammedov

Under this title, the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan has organized an exhibition dedicated to the national holiday of the Turkmen horse.

Our ancestors revered the horse above the royal throne, and therefore sought to decorate the horses generously with jewelry and carpet products. Among the exhibits, there is a sculpture of a graceful horse decorated with horse accessories and jewelry. Showcases and shields display saddles, stirrups, whips, bridles, cases for storing bowls (serkech), and horseshoes. Jewelry items include breast, forehead and neck ornaments, blinkers and amulets.

The exquisite horse accessories add even more beauty to the heavenly horses. In addition, the exhibition presents modern horse accessories combined with ancient jewelry and objects widely used in horse breeding, such as carpet blankets, saddle pads, shabracks, bags, saddlebags, felt blankets and other items.

One section of the exhibition presents modern jewelry compositions that praise the Akhal-Teke horses and glorify the rapidly developing era of Turkmen people.

The exhibition also features paintings, among which the works of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan I. Ishankuliev "Toychi", "Kovumdash", P. Gapanchaev "Friendship of Turan and Vepaly", "Toyly", Ya. Kolobaev "Skakun" and others attracted special attention.

Among the museum visitors who came to the opening of the exhibition "Turkmen Horse is a standard of beauty," there were many horse breeding specialists who were very interested in examining the presented exhibits, sharing their impressions with their colleagues.