Ï "Baroque-Bakhshi" - a duet of two cultures, styles and times

"Baroque-Bakhshi" - a duet of two cultures, styles and times

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"Baroque-Bakhshi" - a duet of two cultures, styles and times
Vyacheslav Sarkisyan

The Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan hosted a concert of French pianist Joanna Goodall "Baroque-Bakhshi", accompanied by the Youth Chamber Orchestra conducted by Rasul Klychev.

The concert program was based on the works of the 18th-century French composer Jean-Philippe Rameau, arranged by Joanna Goodall, who replaced the harpsichord with the piano and selected the author's works on the theme of bird singing. Thus, in the first part of the concert, the audience was introduced to the romantic music of the Baroque style, in which Jean-Philippe Rameau successfully worked.

Joanna Goodall, in addition to being a talented pianist, has extraordinary experimental abilities. The "Baroque-Bakhshi" project was born out of her desire to combine ancient music with modern, East with West. Joanna turned to the past, to the times of the Great Silk Road, when traders exchanged not only material but also spiritual values. So, why would not a harpsichordist from France and a dutar player from Turkmenistan meet at the crossroads connecting different continents?!

Osman Gujimov appears on stage with the dutar. He performs the Turkmen folk melody "Nar agajy" in a duet with Joanna Goodall. The sounds of the piano and dutar blend together. Who can claim that meetings of such musicians did not happen during the time of the Silk Road? And as if to confirm this, the duo performed a German dance melody "Allemande".

At the end of the concert, Joanna Goodall performed the well-known Turkmen folk melody "Balsaýat".

The Turkmen audience warmly welcomed the performance of ancient works, especially in the duet with the foreign guest and dutar player Osman Gujimov.

This concert marked the start of the "Baroque-Bakhshi" project. Joanna Goodall's concert tour includes three countries: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Turkey. The French pianist will give concerts in 9 cities of these countries.

This unique concert was organized by the Embassy of France in Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the French Institute in Ashgabat.