Ï The cognitive and educational value of the book «Anev - culture from the depths of millennia» was discussed

The cognitive and educational value of the book «Anev - culture from the depths of millennia» was discussed

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The cognitive and educational value of the book «Anev - culture from the depths of millennia» was discussed

Creative meetings and educational events are being held in Turkmenistan, at which a broad public discussion continues on the content, cognitive and educational value of the book by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov «Anev - culture from the depths of millennia», dedicated to the proclamation of the city of Anau as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. One of these events called «Änew – müňýyllyklardan gözbaş alýan medeniýet – gadymy taryhyň kämil beýany» was recently organized by the Centralized Library System of the Ashgabat City Culture Department and the capital committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan.

The meeting participants noted that the new book by the head of state contains valuable information about the centuries-old history and culture of the Turkmen people, about the glory of the ancient city of Anev in the past and present. During the discussions, it was emphasized that the publication of the book «Anev - Culture from the Depths of Millennia» became another evidence of the large-scale work being carried out in Turkmenistan to preserve historical monuments and cultural values, care for the national heritage and its popularization in the world. For the younger generation, to whom all the values of the national cultural heritage are passed on, the book serves as a means of instilling patriotism and pride in their country.