Ï Spectacular horse marathon was held in the picturesque foothills of Kopetdag

Spectacular horse marathon was held in the picturesque foothills of Kopetdag

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Spectacular horse marathon was held in the picturesque foothills of Kopetdag
Meretdurdy Rozyev

Following the good tradition, on the eve of the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse, the State Association "Türkmen atlary" organized a competition of the fastest and most agile Akhal-Teke horses.

The start of the horse race, in which 20 selected racehorses representing famous equestrian complexes of the country took part, was held in Ak Bugday etrap of Akhal velayat. 

Creative groups, cultural and art workers, masters of folk arts and crafts gathered in the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag to greet and support the participants of the horse race.

Performing folk songs and compositions praising the glory of the "heavenly" horses, the artists of the song and dance ensembles gave the riders a positive mood and a vigorous attitude for victory.

The marathon route, consisting of two stages - 30 kilometers each, passed through rough terrain. From the very beginning of the competitions, the horses showed incredible speed. 

The horses that successfully overcame the first stage were examined by veterinarians and allowed to further participate in the race.

The gap between the marathon leaders was just a few seconds. The winners were determined based on the best time for covering the entire distance and the positive conclusion of the veterinary inspection at the finish line.

The awarding and announcement of the prize-winners of the horse marathon will take place at the International Akhal-Teke Equestrian Sports Complex during the upcoming celebrations of the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse.