Ï In honor of the 100th anniversary of the artist Aykhan Hajiyev, an exhibition of the jubilarian’s works is held at the State Museum of Fine Arts

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the artist Aykhan Hajiyev, an exhibition of the jubilarian’s works is held at the State Museum of Fine Arts

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In honor of the 100th anniversary of the artist Aykhan Hajiyev, an exhibition of the jubilarian’s works is held at the State Museum of Fine Arts
Alexey Gimalitdinov

Turkmenistan marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's Artist of the country Aykhan Hajiyev. His work is called the chronicle of the grandiose events taking place in our country in the 20th century. And almost each of these works can be attributed to masterpieces.

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the coryphaeus of Turkmen painting, Aykhan Hajiyev, an exhibition of the jubilarian's works was opened at the State Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan. Artists, students of Aykhan Hajiyev, relatives and friends, art critics, painting art lovers, representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, media workers, as well as foreign guests took part in honoring the outstanding Turkmen artist.

Many warm words were expressed to the jubilarian at the solemn opening of the exhibition. Akmal Nuridinov (Uzbekistan), Yuristanbek Shagayev (Kyrgyzstan), Zhanarbek Beristenov (Kazakhstan), Nargiz Khamidova (Tajikistan) gave a high assessment of Aykhan Hajiyev's work through the prism of their national art.

Aykhan Hajiyev entered Turkmen painting as the author of the canonical portrait of Magtymguly. Throughout his work, he repeatedly referred to the image of Magtymguly. The organizers of the exhibition specially allocated an exposition of paintings reflecting different periods of the poet's life. One of the most impressive works is the painting "Unbowed", in which his enemies burn the poet's priceless manuscripts at the stake in front of his eyes. Magtymguly Fragi cared about the statehood of the Turkmens because he himself drank the bitter cup of the invasion of conquerors.

The history of our country can be studied through the paintings of Aykhan Hajiyev. Even the titles of his works speak about this: "The First Teacher", "Collectivization", "Science to Help Cotton Growers", "On the Kharman", "The Age-Old Dream Come True", "Carpet Weavers", "White Gold" and others.

The artist praised the simple worker, saw heroic personalities devoted to the cause they serve in the images of working people. Therefore, the characters in his paintings look very beautiful. For instance, a young graceful cotton picker rising on the kharman like a pedestal in the painting "White Gold", or a shepherd holding the water of the Garagum Canal in his palms, or a kind-hearted professor absorbed in science from the canvas "Science to Help Cotton Growers". By the way, Aykhan Hajiyev posed for the professor himself - through a mirror.

Three portraits of the poet Mollanepes, painted by the artist at different times, attracted attention among the paintings presented at the exhibition. What caused such interest in the personality of the cheerful poet and musician of the 19th century? Moreover, Aykhan Hajiyev named one of his sons Mollanepes. Even Mollanepes Hajiyev could not answer this question. So there is something for art critics to work on.

A scientific-practical conference "On the Centenary of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Aykhan Hajiyev" is timed to coincide with the exhibition of the jubilarian's works. This conference will be held in the conference hall of the State Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan.