Ï The Turkmen Puppet Theatre took part in the International Festival of Children's Theatres in Türkiye

The Turkmen Puppet Theatre took part in the International Festival of Children's Theatres in Türkiye

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The Turkmen Puppet Theatre took part in the International Festival of Children's Theatres in Türkiye

From the 24th to 29th of April, the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre took part in the 19th International Children's Theatre Festival «Little Ladies, Little Gentlemen», organized by the General Directorate of State Theatres of Türkiye (DT) in Ankara.

At the festival site, a creative team from Turkmenistan presented the play «Eternal Legends», based on the tales from the books of the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The parable basis of the production and the unusual presentation of the material in the format of an ultraviolet performance with figures of characters glowing in the dark pleasantly impressed the audience.

In addition to the performances, the participants of the Turkmen delegation organized creative meetings with the youngest fans of theatrical art. With the help of puppet characters, the theatre artists told about their country, about the culture, traditions and customs of the Turkmen people.

This year, Turkmenistan is widely celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy. Therefore, as part of their visit to Ankara, the puppet theatre team visited the Turkmenistan Park, where a monument to the great Turkmen poet and philosopher Magtymguly Pyragy was erected. Here the artists honoured the poet's memory and read the lines of his poems.

Along with Turkmenistan, Spain, Cuba, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus took part in the International Festival of Children's Theatres. The rich program of the festival included excursions to the sights of the Turkish capital.