Ï The festive concert in honor of Victory Day was a great success

The festive concert in honor of Victory Day was a great success

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The festive concert in honor of Victory Day was a great success
Vyacheslav Sarkisyan

The song "I Love You, Life" symbolically opened the gala concert dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the Soviet people's victory over fascism. The life-affirming music by Eduard Kolmanovsky performed by the State Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Resul Klychev sounded from the stage of the Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater.

Concerts of war songs are a tribute to those who, at the cost of their own lives, won freedom for future generations. These songs, strengthening the power of spirit and glorifying sacrifice, will always be loved by the people.

The song "Ballad of a Mother" performed by the Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Selbi Annadurdyeva brought tears of empathy to almost all listeners in the hall. While one of the most popular songs of the war years, "Katyusha," performed by Dovran Shammyev and Anna Veliakhmedova, had the opposite effect on the audience. The hall sang along with the performers, clapping their hands in unison. The eyes of all listeners, regardless of age differences, sparkled with cheerful lights.

The concert program consisted of 20 compositions. Such beautiful songs as "Dark Night", "Last Battle", "May Waltz", "Smuglyanka" and others were performed.

Traditionally, the concert ended with the anthem song "Victory Day" by David Tukhmanov. This song was performed by the "Druzhba" children's choir of the Turkmen-Russian School named after A.S. Pushkin, with Mansur Sharipov as the soloist. And as always, at the first chords of this song, the hall stood up and sang along with the performers until the last word. In this small act of goodwill, people showed their involvement in the Victory over fascism and expressed their low bow to all participants of the war.

The concert was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Turkmenistan. A huge bouquet of red roses was presented by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Resul Klychev, conductor and artistic director of the State Symphony Orchestra of Turkmenistan. A huge basket with many white roses was received by all participants of the festive concert from the organizers.