Ï Concert of art masters in honour of the State symbols of the Fatherland

Concert of art masters in honour of the State symbols of the Fatherland

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Concert of art masters in honour of the State symbols of the Fatherland

Today, a concert of art masters dedicated to the Constitution and State Flag Day of Turkmenistan was held at the Mukamov Palace of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan.

The national holiday, which symbolically united the Day of adoption of the Basic Law of the country, which embodied the principles of state building and the invaluable democratic experience of the Turkmen people, and the establishment of the sacred Flag of the sovereign Fatherland, glorifies national unity and personifies our commitment to humanistic values.

The Constitution of the country and the National Flag flying high are national treasures, testifying to the glorious past, today's happy era and bright future, reflecting our unity, pride and dignity.

«This significant date personifies the unity and integrity of the nation, reflects its idea of a democratic, legal and secular state, a fair civil society. I am convinced that in this year, full of celebrations, «The Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi», the festive events will evoke a feeling of great pride among the people of Turkmenistan, who are following the path of progress in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state with great faith in a bright future»!, the Address notes. head of state to the people of the country on the occasion of the holiday.

It is noteworthy that representatives of national culture, which acts as an important conductor of the ideas of peace and friendship, also contribute to the popularization of the successes and achievements of the independent Fatherland. Nowadays, cultural diplomacy plays a significant role in strengthening international relations, expanding the boundaries of interstate interaction.

The historical continuity of generations and the enduring significance of the rich spiritual heritage of the Turkmen people were emphasized in the literary and musical composition «Oguz hanyň pendi bir beýik taglym, parlap duran ýaşyl tuguňa tagzym»! that opened the festive program. It was highly and inspiredly performed by people's artists of the country, the choir of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulyyeva, artists of the Main Academic Drama Theater named after Saparmyrat Turkmenbashy the Great and folklore groups.

Combining the art of words, song, music and dance, this meaningful mini-performance set the tone for the entire festive event.

The concert, which began on this high note, continued with original numbers performed by popular vocalists and musicians, famous choreographic and folklore groups.

The audience was especially enthusiastic about the song «Arkadagly Gahryman Serdar bilen»! dedicated to the happy life of the people under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, and «Türkmeniň» to the words of the great classic Magtymguly.

The best traditions of national art were reflected in the performances of «Monjuk atdy», «Mirasyň dürdäneleri», «Türkmen toý», accompanied by the State Dance Ensemble, the group «Galkynyş», «Näzli», «Meňli», «Miras», «Serpaý» and etc.

Numerous spectators unanimously applauded the original compositions, inspiredly performed by the country's musical groups. The festive mood was increased by the issue «Aşgabat», dedicated to the Turkmen capital.

The culmination of the celebration was the ancient dance kushtdepdi, which is an integral part of the cultural heritage of the Turkmens and has received new content these days, which was brilliantly demonstrated by the folklore group «Laçyn».

The concert program ended with the song «Alkyş Size, Gahryman Arkadagly Serdarymyz»! which became a musical symbol of the era of great transformations.

Today, in honor of the Constitution and National Flag Day of Turkmenistan, celebrations were held in all cities and villages of the country, during which musical and song compositions glorifying the independent Motherland were played.