Ï Weightlifters of Turkmenistan won 13 medals Central Asian Open Championship U-17

Weightlifters of Turkmenistan won 13 medals Central Asian Open Championship U-17

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Weightlifters of Turkmenistan won 13 medals Central Asian Open Championship U-17

Turkmen weightlifters won 13 medals at the Central Asian Open Championship for boys and girls under 17, which featured 44 athletes from six countries.

Medals in various weight categories were contested by representatives from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

According to the State Committee for Sports of Turkmenistan, the national team was represented by six weightlifters, five of whom won a total of 11 silver and 2 bronze medals.

Atabek Azamatov (up to 49 kg) – 159 kg (snatch – 73 kg, clean and jerk – 86 kg), Kakamyrat Annamyradov (up to 67 kg) – 246 kg (113 + 133), and Orazgul Babaniyazova (up to 55 kg) – 145 kg (64 + 81) each won three silvers in snatch, clean and jerk and total.

Gurbangozel Orazova (over 71 kg) won three medals: bronze in snatch (55 kg) and two silvers in clean and jerk (78 kg) and total (133 kg).

Saparbai Atajanov, competing in the over 81 kg category, won a bronze in snatch (120 kg).