Ï The CIS Headquarters Presented the Concept of the International Forum in Honour of Magtymguly's Anniversary

The CIS Headquarters Presented the Concept of the International Forum in Honour of Magtymguly's Anniversary

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The CIS Headquarters Presented the Concept of the International Forum in Honour of Magtymguly's Anniversary

At the regular meeting of the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiary Representatives of the CIS Member States to the statutory and other bodies of the Commonwealth held on the 30th of July in Minsk, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Belarus Nazarguly Shagulyyev made a presentation on the Concept of the international forum «The Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – the Basis of the Modern World and Development» dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly.

The forum is scheduled for the 11th of October in Ashgabat with the participation of the leaders of many countries and authoritative international organizations. The representative of Turkmenistan noted that 2024, which is being held in the country under the motto «The fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi», is marked by large-scale celebrations and numerous events in honour of the anniversary of the great classical poet and philosopher of the East not only in Turkmenistan, but throughout the world. One of the final chords of the year dedicated to Magtymguly Fragi is intended to be the upcoming forum of heads of state and government in Ashgabat.

The works of Magtymguly Fragi, imbued with the ideas of patriotism and unity, proclaiming universal humanistic and moral values, are of great importance in the modern world, promoting intercultural dialogue, expanding cooperation between countries and disseminating the best examples of national literary heritage through modern formats. The upcoming forum is intended to emphasise the importance of cultural interaction that promotes peace and development on a universal scale, overcoming the fragmentation of the world community and its unification for the sake of a safe and better future.