Ï Murad Khaitov celebrates the 50th anniversary of the start of his career activity

Murad Khaitov celebrates the 50th anniversary of the start of his career activity

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Murad Khaitov celebrates the 50th anniversary of the start of his career activity

Honorary elder of the people Murad Ovezgeldyevich Khaitov during these days celebrates the 50th anniversary of the start of his career. In 1974, graduating with honors from the Faculty of Law of the Turkmen State University, he began his career there activity. First as a teacher, a senior teacher, then he gradually moved up the scientific and pedagogical ladder: he became associate professor, professor, and in recent years of work at the Turkmen University State University - head of department constitutional and international law.

The scientific steps of Professor M. Khaitov are closely connected with Moscow. Here he defended his candidate's and then doctor's dissertations. In 1989-1991 worked as an assistant to the people's deputy of the USSR in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1992 he became the winner of the competition among scientists - humanists of the CIS countries.

In subsequent years, his scientific interests were connected with foreign universities, leading institutes, research centers in Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, USA, other states. Graduates of Professor M. Khaitov work in parliament of the country, government, judicial and prosecutorial authorities, other government departments and leading scientific institutions.

Murad Ovezgeldyevich today is one of the leading constitutionalists. He participated in the preparation of amendments and additions to the Constitution Turkmenistan. The scientist made an important contribution to the development of the theory and practice of domestic constitutional law, formation national constitutional legislation, development and improving the quality of legal education of independent Turkmenistan. Scientific conclusions and practical recommendations professors are still used today in preparing changes and additions to the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

Murad Ovezgeldyevich is the author of about 170 titles scientific works. These include monographs, scientific brochures, educational manuals, workshops, chapters in collective monographs, articles, reviews, theses. His works have also been published in foreign languages. They inspire great confidence among scientists and specialists.

M. Khaitov enjoys great respect from colleagues, scientific public. About his career, scientific research and achievements, articles and essays have been written in domestic and foreign publications newspapers and magazines. In 2013, Professor M. Khaitov was awarded the title “Honored Lawyer of Turkmenistan”, and in 2020 - the title "Honorary Elder of the People."