Ï Turkmen footballers to start in the CAFA-2024 U17 Championship

Turkmen footballers to start in the CAFA-2024 U17 Championship

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Turkmen footballers to start in the CAFA-2024 U17 Championship

The Turkmenistan national team will participate in the Central Asian Football Association (CAFA) U17 Championship, which will be held from August 17 to 24 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Six teams will participate in the tournament, divided into two groups.

According to the draw, the Turkmenistan U17 team will compete in Group "B" in the CAFA-2024 Championship. Our team's opponents will be Uzbekistan and Iran. The youth teams of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan will play in Group "A".

At the group stage, teams will play in a single round. Then, the group winners will meet in the final. Teams that finish second in their groups will compete for bronze medals. There will also be a consolation match for fifth and sixth places.

The Turkmenistan U17 team is led by 40-year-old Ahmet Allaberdiyev as head coach this year, who previously worked successfully with young players in the "Altyn Tach" club structure. He is assisted by Ahmet Agamyradov, Dayanchgylych Urazov, Alexander Sidorov and goalkeeper coach Nariman Garajaev.

For participation in the CAFA-2024 Championship, the coaching staff of the Turkmenistan U17 team invited 23 players – 3 goalkeepers, 8 defenders, 9 midfielders and 3 forwards. The squad includes: goalkeepers – Izat Erkinov, Atajan Ruslanov, Gokbatyr Myradov; defenders – Gurbanmyrat Kanayev, Hajymuhammet Durdykakayev, Kakamyrat Babaev, Mikail Saparmyradov, Davut Meredov, Ruslan Yaylymov, Eziz Myradlyev, Orazyargylych Urazov; midfielders – Muhammetali Nasyrov, Medet Muhammetmyradov, Hudaynazar Meredov, Begench Vepaliyev, Suleymannazar Govshudov, Yunus Kalinov, Yagmyr Hojiev, Emirhan Matkurbanov, Annamuhammet Rejepov; forwards – Arslan Vepaev, Veysgeldi Orazdurdyev, Mikael Stepanyan.

The participation of the Turkmenistan national team in this tournament is considered as preparation for the 2025 Asian Cup U17 qualifying round. The qualifying tournament for Turkmen footballers, whose opponents in Group "D" will be Thailand, India and Brunei, will be held in a single round from October 23 to 27 in Thailand.