Ï Turkmenistan prepares for the next meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty

Turkmenistan prepares for the next meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty

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From time immemorial according to established rules of Turkmen people all vital issues were to be discussed and solved jointly, "all together", based on centuries-old experience of our glorious ancestors. In the present period, these wise and noble traditions have found an embodiment in the Khalk Maslakhaty, which is the highest representative body of people's power functioning according to the Constitution of Turkmenistan. Today, our country actively gets ready for the national forum, which personifies a continuous link of times and succession of generations, adherence of our independent neutral fatherland to primordial democratic principles.

As known, according to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Khalk Maslakhaty signed by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the next meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan will take place on September 24 of the current year in Ashgabat in the Palace «Maslakhat köşgi». With a view of its conduction at high level, the organising committee, which carries out corresponding complex activity, was created.

The forthcoming national forum will certainly become a landmark event for our beloved country. Preparation for it is constantly in the centre of attention of the public that visually testifies to irreversibility of democratic processes in the country. Thanks to progressive undertakings and the initiatives of Hero-Arkadag, which are continued by the political strategy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan strengthens basis of original democracy that promotes increase of responsibility of each citizen and society as a whole for destiny and the future of our fatherland.

Being guided by the principle «State - for people!» and the motto «Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!», in our country under the leadership of Arkadagly Hero Serdar cardinal reforms are implemented, large scale programs and projects are realised in all areas. As a result, Turkmenistan shows high dynamics of social and economic development, level and quality of life of people regularly raise. Processes of industrialisation and digitization systematically proceed, innovative technologies where a special significance is given to the ecological aspect, take root into all branches of national economy.

Positions of our independent neutral fatherland on the world scene grow stronger and its international authority rises higher. Supporting friendly, brotherly and good-neighbourhood with world countries, our country puts forward constructive initiatives to enhance mutually beneficial equal cooperation in regional and global scale, bringing a powerful contribution to consolidation of universal peace, well-being and sustainable development.

It is also noteworthy that this year of the Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State passes under the motto «The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi». We testify to remarkable successes that full its each day. Everything of what the great Turkmen poet and thinker dreamt of and called for in his unique works, today finds embodiment in reality. And all these achievements became possible thanks to purposefulness, fruitful honest work and high patriotism of our people attached to wise precepts of our ancestors.

Turkmen nationals are sincerely proud of successes of their beloved land, bringing their worthy contribution to the general noble cause. Representatives of all levels of population are widely involved and actively participate in discussion of important issues of the state and public life.

As to the activity of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, then according to the corresponding Constitutional law, it is based on such principles as democracy, transparency, justice, rule of the law, priority of conventional norms of international law, equality of individual and citizen before the law, respect of the rights and freedom of human, free discussion and decision-making. In it finds an organic combination of the foundations, which have developed by Turkmen society and time realities for centuries.

the meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty, which will take place on the threshold of he 33rd anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, will sum up the work carries out for the past period, outline priority short –term and long term problems and propose and consider ways of their solution. At present, the country takes appropriate measures to organize the nationwide forum at a high organizational level. The special attention is given to preparation of the agenda of the meeting and drafts of corresponding documents. In the given context, proper measures are taken to explain to Turkmen nationals the importance of the forthcoming political event.

As National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov marks, for a short historical period in Turkmenistan a reliable model of the government based on democracy and the right was created, an effective system of free expression of will of each member of society was generated. As a result of the work carried out for past years, a strong and indestructible link between people and the power, the state and citizen, integrity of national interests were provided.

In these undertakings, along with ancient traditions of democracy, a wide experience of our ancestors in state building, our country also relies upon advanced world experience. And initiatives of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on institutional and legal perfection of system of the government and on further democratisation of a society promote further progress of our fatherland.

In the present period, Turkmenistan, holding on the torch of glorious deeds, attains new development levels. And in the future we should work assiduously in all areas to join our efforts to reach target goals. In this enterprise namely, a great role belongs to the Khalk Maslakhaty.

Thus, personifying indestructible unity and coherence of our people, the forthcoming meeting of the Khalk Maslakhaty, writing a new bright chapter in the annals of the year «The Fount of wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi», will become an important step on the path of confident movement of our independent neutral fatherland forward towards new heights of creation and progress.