Ï The country widely celebrated the holiday of Turkmen alabai

The country widely celebrated the holiday of Turkmen alabai

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The country widely celebrated the holiday of Turkmen alabai

Today in honour of the holiday of Turkmen alabai, the country hosted celebrations in the framework of which exhibitions, art competitions in artistic embodiment n of the image of alabai in works of fine, decorative and applied art, other cultural events were held.

The capital hosted the IV meeting of the International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri» in which the given organisation admitted new members and the best cynologists of the country were awarded the honorary title «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan itşynasy».

The main events of today took place in the complex of the International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri».

There, the exhibition of works of national, decorative and applied art and fine art, photos, national crafts, pictures, carpets and sculptures from all regions of the country, Ashgabat and Arkadag cities, which presented all riches, and inexhaustibility of creative talent of our people, was opened.

Among participants of the present celebration - members of the Government, heads of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, public organisations, diplomatic representative offices and international organisations accredited in our country as well as members of the International Association «Türkmen alabaý itleri», cynologists, dog breeders, profile experts, representatives of mass-media.

On the area before the complex, a festive musical performance of actors was organised.

Initiatives of Hero-Arkadag on popularisation and preservation of the national heritage in the world are successfully realised under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Our people who have created such unique breeds as Akhal-Teke horses, Turkmen alabai and hound tazy, having developed in them better qualities, have managed to keep practically an invariable kind of pedigree characteristics inherent in them up to now. Today this activity proceeds according to requirements of the time.

In this connection, it is necessary to note that skilled selectors play an important role in formation of such qualities in Turkmen alabai, as fidelity, fearlessness and reliability.

In the book «Turkmen alabai», National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag it is pointed out that the qualities inherent in Turkmen alabai, fostered by wisdom of our people, have remained since the most ancient times. Turkmen alabai - an integral part of our unique national culture.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlines, Turkmen alabai - one of the most ancient breeds of dog in the world and is a pride and national property of our courageous people.

In the congratulatory message of President Serdar Berdimuhamedova to dog breeders, admirers of Turkmen alabai and people of independent neutral Turkmenistan it is marked: «Fostered by ancestors for many centuries thoroughbred alabai, become a universal value, are considered as best of all breeds of dog existing on the earth. As a close friend and companion of the person, Turkmen alabai became a pride of our people.

Friendship and fidelity relations between the person and alabai have found reflexion in works of our classical literature. In alabai - the best samples of national selection - our courageous ancestors marked such lines, as boldness, courage, fidelity to the person. Turkmen alabai is a good fortune of our ancient earth, an ornament and guards of the sacred Turkmen hearth, an incomparable national pride ».

... Summing up the international competition «Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy» and the creative review devoted to Turkmen alabai became one of the high points of the celebration in honour of loyal friends of the person.

On the observation point, 10 best alabai were displayed from different regions of the country, which were selected at preliminary stages of the competition.

They announce names of alabai and their age, family trees as well as data of their owners to juries and spectators. Alabai, which won the final competitions, will continue this or that breeding line.

The given competition aimed at development of national dog breeding, urged to promote preservation of cleanliness of the alabai breed.

The alabai, participating in the competition, showed to spectators skills in which they were trained by owners. Besides the amazing external data, numerous admirers of alabai estimated their boldness and skills shown during the competition. The skill of the trainer consists in directing a dog through the obstacle. Speed and accuracy are key factors, which are considered in overcoming obstacles.

There came time to finalize the competition and to declare the decision of the jury panel. The floor was given to chairman of the jury - Hero of Turkmenistan Saragt Babayev who on behalf of the gathered expressed sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for large scale activity on development in the dog breeding art in the country, assistance in popularisation of alabai in the world, that makes up an integral component of historical and cultural heritage of our people.

The Turkmen alabai with the nickname of Akgush was awarded the title «Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy». It was grown up and trained for competitions by private dog breeder from Ashgabat R.Kerimov.

The main prize of the President of Turkmenistan - keys to car "Toyota Camry" and a special medal, a challenge cup and diploma was awarded to the winner of the international competition.

The private dog breeder expressed warm gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the valuable award, created many opportunities for cultivation of alabai, preservation of cleanliness of the breed and wished the head of the state sound health and big successes in his activity.

Then names of winners of the art competition in artistic embodiment of the image of Turkmen alabai in works of fine, decorative and applied arts, printed products , pictures, TV channels, declared among artists, sculptors, carpet weavers, photographers, workers of publishing house, television cameramen were declared.

Along with masters-instructors, young men who only have stepped into the career took part in the competition. The best works were chosen according to nominations: the finest carpet with the image of Turkmen alabai; the best artistic image of Turkmen alabai; the best sculpture of Turkmen alabai; the best printed product with the image of Turkmen alabai; the best television plot that displays the fearlessness of Turkmen alabai.

Corresponding certificates and costly presents on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedova were given to following winners:

A.Orazgulyeva – carpet weaver of the carpet making art enterprises of Ashgabat city of State Corporation «Türkmenhaly» for the finest carpet with the image of Turkmen alabai «Türkmen alabaýy»;

B.Sytdyhov - teacher of the chair of painting of the faculty of fine art of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan for the best work of painting «Türkmen alabaýy»;

G.Shohratgeldieva - 2nd year student of the chair of sculpture of the faculty of fine arts of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan for the best sculptural product «Edermen türkmen alabaýy»;

Ata Muhammet Ahmet - teacher of the chair of design of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan for the best design of the publishing production - «Türkmen alabaýlary»;

E.Charyev – serviceman of the State Border Service of Turkmenistan for the best tv cameraman work «Edermen türkmen alabaýy».

Expressing sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for appreciation of their work and huge attention given to development of dog breeding, winners of the competition assured that they will make all out efforts to augment the world glory of Turkmen alabai, embodying their image in their creativity. They wished the head of the state sound health, longevity and successes in his state activity for further prosperity of the country.

Thus, celebrations on the occasion of the holiday of Turkmen alabai became a graphic evidence of the fact that the state pays great attention to the pride and property of our people - Turkmen alabai, large scale initiatives on their popularisation in the world and development of national art of the dog breeding passed on from time immemorial are realised. At all times Turkmen alabai was the loyal friend of our ancestors and reliable defender of home. Turkmen alabai, considered one of the popular breeds in the world, is our national heritage.

… Solemn actions in honour of the holiday of Turkmen alabai were held today in all cities and villages of the country.