Ï Cultural and public events have been organized on the occasion of the International Day of Nowruz

Cultural and public events have been organized on the occasion of the International Day of Nowruz

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Cultural and public events have been organized on the occasion of the International Day of Nowruz

In honor of the National Spring Holiday – the International Day of Nowruz, exhibitions are being held at cultural venues across Turkmenistan, showcasing the customs of the Turkmen people related to agriculture, animal husbandry, gardening, and crafts. Song and music performances are also being organized.

The main celebrations will take place in front of the "Türkmeniň ak öyi" buildings in all velayats of the country. Large-scale cultural and public events dedicated to the traditions of Nowruz and Turkmenistan's achievements will be held at "Nowruz ýaýlasy" in Ak Bugday etrap of Ahal velayat.

Festive performances and concerts will also be presented in cultural centers and theaters throughout Turkmenistan.

The Main Academic Drama Theater named after S. Turkmenbashi the Great:

22.03.2025: «Gülki agşamy» 19:00;

23.03.2025: «Gelin gelýä» 19:00.

Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater:

22.03.2025: «Aýdym-sazly gülki agşamy» 19:00;

23.03.2025: «Sawçy hem sallahlar» 19:00.

Alp Arslan National Drama Theater:

22.03.2025: «Gülki sowgady» 19:00;

23.03.2025: «Sabyr Ataýewa» 19:00.

Pushkin State Russian Drama Theater:

22.03.2025: «Колобок» 12:00; 14:00;

22.03.2025: Концерт «Пришла весна» 19:00;

23.03.2025: «Золушка» 11:00; 13:00;

23.03.2025: «Пришёл мужчина к женщине» 19:00.

Mollanepes Student Theater:

22.03.2025: «Çynymy aýtsam» 19:00;

23.03.2025: «Arşyn mal alan» 19:00.

Turkmen State Puppet Theater:

22.03.2025: «Bir towşanjyk bar ekeni» 17:00; 

22.03.2025: «Jüýteniň toýy»19:00;

23.03.2025: «Şadyýan sazandalar» 12:00; 17:00;

23.03.2025: «Şadyýan şow» 19:00.