Ï Amount of export transactions of the exchange session is about 14.5 million US dollars

Amount of export transactions of the exchange session is about 14.5 million US dollars

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160 transactions have been registered at the trades of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from United Arab Emirates and Turkey procured technical sulphur (SC Turkmengaz) and the representatives of business circles of USA bought technical carbon (SC Turkmenhimiya). Polypropylene bags were also the subject of bargain of the businessmen from UAE. In addition, colourless sheet glass, Portland cement, licorice extract, cotton yarn, cotton fibre, cotton lint were sold for foreign currency to the Russian Federation, Great Britain, UAE, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan. Total amount of transactions exceeded 14,390,000 US dollars.

For local currency, businessmen from Russia, great Britain, Turkey, Armenia bought cotton yarn to total amount of more than 4,382,000 manats.

Local businessmen procured polypropylene and polyethylene to the amount of more than 22 million manats for local market.