Ï Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review

Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review

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Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Tendencies of development of telecommunications and information technologies are presented at profile review
Regular XI International exhibition and scientific conference of telecommunications, telemetry and information technologies Turkmentel 2018 was opened in Ashgabat. It was organized by the Ministry of Communications and Trade and Industrial Chamber of the country.

Members of the Government, deputies of the Mejlis, leaders of the ministries and departments, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in our country, representative of educational structures of the country, public and mass media took part in the opening ceremony of Turkmentel 2018 forum in the exposition centre of the Trade and Industrial Chamber. The participants listed to the greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with great attention.

Around 80 exhibitors including national communication departments and their foreign partners who successfully realized long-term perspective important government programmes and projects in this sphere as well as Turkmen companies presented their achievements at the exhibition.

Old partners of our country, leaders in communication market «Тhales Аlenia Space», «Nokia», «HUAWEI», «Samsung», «Hermes Datacommunications International Ltd», «Hikvision», «Space Systems International Monaсo» and other among foreign participants of the exhibition. It is not only business circles but also specialists, leading experts and scientists in this filed expressed the interest in the exhibition in Ashgabat.

As is known our country is active supporter of introduction of innovations in all spheres of life activity of the state including telecommunications and high-speed information technologies. Turkmenistan is open for all new taking into account national interests, objectives of social, economic and cultural development.

Many of foreign participants already have the experience in working with entrepreneurship structures of our country converting the broadcasting to digital standards, expanding the service network and access to informational resources, implementing the system of electronic documentation.

Spacious exhibition pavilions with modern video equipment, exposition stands with huge monitors, light banners and panels, numerous samples of innovative products in the sphere of digital and video broadcasting, satellite, mobile and electronic communication, audio and video recording, monitoring systems became the bright illustration of success of national communication industry and information technologies.

Large expositions of the Ministry of Communication, cellular operator Altyn Asyr as well as departments of Turkmen Postal Service demonstrate wide spectrum of services in network and mobile communication, electronic data transfer based on telecommunication networks, qualitative broadcasting of national TV and radio programmes as well as fast postal services across the country and abroad.

It is worth mentioning that significant part of the services are provide to the population by Turkmen entrepreneurs, who successfully expands the market of high technologies providing not only actual channels for supply of latest equipment, communication devices and video monitoring equipment for facilities but also carry out construction, installation and commissioning works in this sphere.

It includes such national commercial structures as «Imdat elektronika», «Diýarkom», «Zehinli pikir», «Asman oky», «Beýik Ýüpek ýoly», «Nokat kompýuter», «Tapylgysyz mahabat», «Türkmen terminal» and other.

Companies of transport sphere, which successful activity and efficient operation at air lines, railway and motor roads is provided by sensitive radio navigation, transport monitoring systems, meteorological stations and other, also take part in current international review.

In the afternoon, the International scientific conference dedicated to topical subjects of development of the branch and further constructive and fruitful dialog with all interested partners took place in the conference hall of the Trade and Industrial Chamber. The forum brought together the specialists and experts of national state communication structures, leading scientists and developers, software engineers and representatives of business circles.

The programme of the conference includes the subjects of expansion of international cooperation and attraction of foreign investments, technologies and projects to communication sector of Turkmenistan, development of information and telecommunication networks in provision of reliable and qualitative services. During plenary session, the participants reviewed the condition, perspective and proposed assessments of development of modern telecommunication systems and informational provision.

Introduction of new generation of mobile, fixed and internet communication, expansion of the system of wireless communication and efficiency of cloud technologies, computer programming and informational security, opportunities of e-learning are among the most discussed subject.

International exhibition Turkmentel 2018 will continue its work until October 12.