Ï Pillars of power lines from composite materials

Pillars of power lines from composite materials

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Composite reinforcing bar workshop, which would be used for making of pillars of electrical networks and foundation blocks, was opened at the Ferro concrete plant in Buzmeyn etrap of the capital. Compozenergo business entity was founded by the Concern Turkmenenergostroy and Electroulgamgurlushyk business entity. Equipment for production of fibreglass reinforcement bars was procured with assistance of trade representative office of Russian Federation in Turkmenistan.

80 percent of composite reinforcement bar will be produced from local materials – the broken glass, melting which the thread of 16 microns thickness will be produced. Fibreglass tourniquet, received from weaving several threads, is soaked in epoxy and undergoes thermal treatment. Afterwards, the rod is wrapped in glass thread, which provides the connection of the rebar with concrete.

Innovative technology allows producing any size of reinforcement bars. The advantage of the material is the lightweight, high durability, chemical and corrosion resistance, low heat conductivity, low coefficient of heat expansion and dielectric feature.

The tests of concrete pillars with composite reinforcement bars for durability and flexibility proved the advantages of new material, which able to withstand the load of 500 kilogrammes. The production cost is significantly less than on the steel analog. Glass reinforcement bar increases the life of electrical pillars 2 -3 times. Soon, the workshop will have four production lines making 800 tons of material per year and satisfying the requirements.