Ï Transport and communication complex demonstrates positive dynamics

Transport and communication complex demonstrates positive dynamics

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At the extended session of the Government on October 12, Vice-premier M. Chakiyev informed that the plan of communication services, cargo and passenger transportation was fulfilled by 108.8 percent for three quarters of 2018 with the growth rate of 113.2 percent.

The growth rate of fulfilled works by the Ministry of Railway Transport was 112 percent. This index is equal to 102.5 and 104.4 percent respectively in cargo and passenger transportation.

The growth rate of services rendered by the Ministry of Motor Transport for nine months of the year is equal to 105.5 percent. This indicator reached 101.4 and 103.6 percent accordingly in cargo and passenger transportation.

The growth rate of works of the Ministry of Communication for January – September was 109.7 percent.

The growth rate of services of Turkmenhowayollary Service reached 125.9 percent for designated period. This indicator was 129.8 and 116 percent respectively in cargo and passenger transportation.

Addressing Vice-premier M. Chakiyev and managers of transport and communication complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out that their structures do not fulfil all planned objectives. This is also includes the activity of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport in cargo traffic.

Preparation to reconstruction of the railroads is carried out at low rates. The proposals for improvement of activity of these services are not ready. New Turkmenbashy International Seaport does not work in full capacity, the Head of the State noted, having requested the Vice-premier to correct the situation.